Chapter 4

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I woke up at 11:00 AM on saturday to my phone vibrating.

I got a text from Ronnie that said:

"meet me in the park by the bridge.i want u 2 meet my friends.wear pants and long sleeved t-shirt and if u want 2 wear a jacket as well-Ronnie D.

I replied:

"ok and Ronnie D...really?"

I laughed at the fact that my Ronnie had his signiture as Ronnie D.What a nerd.

I quickly put on my purple skinny jeans and my long sleeved t-shirt that said 'to write love on her arms'.I slipped on my blue high tops and told my mom and dad i was going for a walk.

As I was walk to the bridge I saw a group of teenage boys bullying a little girl and her brother.I ran over and told them to stop it and one turned around slapped me.

It hurt like a bitch but I wasn't ganna cry I needed to help those kids.I turned back and punched the ass in the nose...hard.

My fist hurt really bad but that guys nose was worse.

I grabbed the kids and ran torwards the bridge.I saw Ronnie and like 5 of his friends.The kids were crying but I wasn't going to let those creepers touch them.

I looked back and saw that the guys were chasing us and I ran even faster to Ronnie.

Guess all that running paid off.

I ran to Ronnie and put the kids down and pointed to the guys.

"Come here you little bitch!"One shouted

"How about I don't and said I did."I said back

"Well then I am going to get you."He said and him and his gang started walking up the bridge.

The little kids started screaming. Ronnie told me to stay there with the kids and him and his friends started to walk torward the gang.

"Leave them alone and we can all go home."Ronnie said

Oh Ronnie.Always a peace maker.

"Not until I get even with that little bitch.Look what she did to my nose."The guy said and pointed to his swollen bleeding nose.

"Ummmmm no."Ronnie said

Then all of a sudden the guy swung at Ronnie but Ronnie doged it and swung at him.The other guy wasn't as fast.

I grabbed the kids and ran to a place I normally hung out that was hidden by trees.

I asked the older girl her parents number and her name.She said it was Ashley and gave me a number and I called.On the third ring I heard a voice.

"Hello?"The voice said

"Ummmm hi your daughter Ashley and her brother are at Copper Park and there is a bad situation I need to come pick them up ASAP."I said urgently

"Ok I'm on my way."The call ended I took the kids and ran to the parking lot.

In about 4 minutes a car pulled up and a man strode out.He grabbed his kids and thanked me.

I quickly ran back to the bridge to find Ronnie on the ground bleeding.The gang and had left only Ronnie and his friends were there.

"Is he okay?"I asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine just a fucking broken nose."He said pissed

I leaned down and kissed his poor nose.I felt so bad.Because of my fat ass mouth Ronnie got hurt.

I helped Ronnie up and he introduced me to his friends:Chase,Tyler,Brandon,Skyler,Joey,and this really quiet and depressed looking guy.

Chase was the player type who had dark brown hair and green eyes.He was so funny!Tyler was funny and sweet.He had light brown hair with hazel eyes.Brandon was laid back and made dirty jokes at times.He had super blonde hair with a tattoo on his wrist that said 'laced with hurt'.His grey calming eyes made me want to just sit and ponder at life.Skyler was weird.He would just run and jump and scream at life.He was sweet and funny though.He had dark blue eyes and dark brown hair.Joey was so sweet and gave the best hugs.He had light gray eyes almost making them look like glass.He had dark black hair and looked like a lost puppy.Then there is Zack.He only talked once.Ice in every word.He had dark dark blue eyes.With black and red streaked hair.He had spider bites and a tattoo on his wrist to that said 'some cuts will never heal'.I wanted to cry at the sight of all his scars.

"Guys it's getting late I have to go."I said noticing the sun go down.

"Please Angie just a little longer!"Joey whined

I kissed his cheek and said:

"Nope I have to go see you tomarrow at 6 by the bridge."I said

"Hay I want a kiss!"Chase demanded

"Yeah us too!"The rest of the boys said

"Fine..."I said

When I kissed all thier cheeks and got to Zack who I was about to lean over to kiss his cheek he leaned in and kissed mine and walked away.

"What was that?!"I asked

"No clue."They all said

I held my cheek and walked back home wondering why Zack did that.

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