Chapter 10

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It had been a Month Since Tyler had moved in with me.

Blair and I Went to the mall a lot with 'the group'.

Blair and Zach still glared at each other with hurt and hate.

I decided that this weekend when Blair spends the night I'm going to confront her about it.

And yes Blair questioned me about the cutting lie but I just said it was because of some 'personal' family issues and she stopped questioning me about it.

So far everything has been great.

But I have a feeling that it's just the calm before the storm

It was Monday and I was in Math class when my phone started to ring.

"Mrs.Angie darling why isn't your phone off in class?"Mrs.Gibbs said

"Sorry Mrs.Gibbs it won't happen again."I said

I leaned down and opened up my bag to turn off my phone.When I saw the screen it said I had a Text from Tyler.

I looked over and Mrs.Gibbs was teaching the class so I opened it up real quick to see what Tyler had text-ed me.

TYLER:Angie i am in trouble...dont ask plz just get out of skool ASAP.Meet me in your room-tyler

ANGIE:Okay i will try an get ther ASAP-Angie

I shut my phone and took out my granola bar and water.

I chewed it up then took s swig of water and held it in the back of my throat.

"Yes Angie?"Mrs.Gibbs asked

"I feel like I'm going to barf can I go to the-the-......"I  ran to the trashcan and 'barfed'.

Meaning I spit up my granola bar and water.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwww..."The class all said

"Mrs.Angie please go to the nurses office and call home."Mrs.Gibbs said

"Okay."I said and gathered up my bags and went to the nurses office.

"Hi Nurse Shelly I just barfed may I call home?"I asked

"Yes darling."She said and pointed to the phone

I quickly dialed home and Told my mom and she picked me up.

"Honey I have a meeting today to you mind being home alone?"My mom asked

"No not at all mom."I said actually relieved

"Okay I will be home a 10 and your father should be home around 9."She said

I said goodbye and when I heard her car leave I ran to my closet and saw Tyler there in a ball with his wrists Flowing with blood.

"TYLER!!!"I screamed

"Angie I tried not to but I couln't stop myself.I just couldn't."He said

"Why did you do this?!"I yelled

"My mom is dead..."He said

'Wha-what?"I asked

"She was driving back home from work on the highway last night in her small little car when a huge semi-truck turned and didn't see her and it went right over her car and decapitated her."Tyler said

The boy who lives in my closetWhere stories live. Discover now