Chapter 9

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I got Tylers bed ready in my room and I double checked the lock on the closet.It wasn't much but it was good enough.

Well it was 9:30 and Blair and I were just playing some truth or truth because you can't really play truth or 'dare' in a room with 2 people.

I really wanted to know what the thing was with her and Zach but I didn't want to push her.

"Angie Truth or Truth?"Blair said

"Truth!"I said

"Who in "the group" do you have a crush on?"Tipical Blair needs to know everyones crush.

"First of all I don't crush I love...and second...I dont know yet Zach seems to like me and so does Chase...and Tyler..."I said awkwardly

"Well Chase and Tyler are like freaking obsessed over you and you should have heard all the guys during the movie!"Blair said with a smile.

"WHAT DID THEY SAY!!!"I asked almost demanding.

"Well Brandon was all like-"Blair was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello?Is ummmm Angie there?"Tyler asked timidly.

"Yes its Angie im headed out front now."I said and hung up the phone.

"Tyler?"Blair asked

"Yep let's go."I asked

We headed out front and I yelled down stairs to my parents saying I needed a book.

They had no freaking clue so they said yes of course.

I don't like to lie to my parents but I know for a fact that they wouldn't let me do this so yeah...

Well anyway I went out side and saw Tyler just standing there with his back pack and 2 pairs of clothes.

"Okay come in but be quiet okay?"I said

"And Blair talk as loud as possible."I said

"Okay gurlllllllllllllll."Blair said loudyly

I love her.......

We walked into the house and Blair was talking about tacos or Queen Latifa or something really loudyly while Tyler and I ran up to my room.

When we got to my room we kind of stood there for a while until Blair broke the silence.

"Well we were playing Truth or Truth want to join?"She asked

"Ummmmm sure."Tyler said really awkwardly

"Well I was right in the middle of one with Angie but then you called sooo where was I....oh yeah umm so who do you lik-"I cut her off by elbowing her and said:

"Well ummmm first I need to tell you what needs to happen."I said

"My parents room is downstairs but it is like over on the other end of the house so you don't have to worry.And I have a bathroom in my room so there and when it's dinner time you stay in here and do something and I will try and get you some food.And....Fuck I"I said all pissed off.

"Don't worry I can walk.I can go out your window then walk to school."Tyler said with a hopeful smile. 

"Okay but we will have to be careful."I said

"I will.Now you want to play Truth or Truth."Tyler said with a smile

"YAY!!!"Blair screamed

"What is wrong with you two!?"I said

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