I was just scrolling through YouTube... And then I come across a Christmas version "Rotten to the Core"
If I'm gonna be honest, it wasn't that bad (it's a 6/10 for me) but I kind of don't like how in the seconds verse of the song Evie sings after Mal and not Jay. It's ridiculous.
Ben in the background: R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
*Face palm*
But I'm really excited to see our favorite Vk's perform this at the Disney Christmas parade.
And before you ask, yes, I'm gonna make my own version of this song with my Non/Disney Descendants cast (But this time, there will be four more characters joining in! So there's gonna be 8!)
But if I'm gonna be honest, this is actually super catchy. Why didn't they do this last year? 😂