Section 2: Meeting of the Minds

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Section 2: Meeting of the Minds

Rose Tyler stood in what appeared to be a TARDIS control room, although it was vastly different than the one she had been standing in just seconds before. The central console was white, as were the walls around her, and the man standing at the controls was older, silver-haired and wearing a black suit.

"Who are you? How did you get into my TARDIS, and what have you done with Susan?" One asked angrily.

Rose looked at him sheepishly, semi-frozen with fear and confusion. "I was with the Doctor, in another TARDIS..."

"The Doctor you say? I see, well, that would explain these readings. Tell me, do you happen to know which one?"

Rose stared at him, still too frightened to move.

"Tell me, my girl, does the term regeneration mean anything to you?"

"No..." She squeaked.

"Ah well, please try to relax; I am the Doctor, after all. I see that there are thirteen time capsules aboard this ship, so you must have come from one those. I must be quite old by now! What is your name, dear girl?"

"R-Rose Tyler."

"It is nice to meet you, Ms. Tyler! Come; let us go find... your Doctor."


Two smiled at the confused redhead. "I knew when I saw the other versions of my TARDIS attempting to materialize that this might happen. I do hope poor Zoe wound up with an agreeable version of myself. What is your name, my dear?"

"Grace Holloway... where am I; who are you?"

Two laughed. "Why, I am the Doctor, Grace, but not the version that you know."

"Yes, he said that he was the eighth version of himself." She replied, still somewhat bewildered.

"Eight of thirteen, eh? Shall we go meet the others?"


Clara looked around at her suddenly new surroundings, and then turned to the man before her with the curly white hair. "You are the third Doctor..." Clara remarked, remembering her trip through the lives of the Eleventh Doctor on Trenzalore.

"It's good to know that I still tend to choose intelligent companions." Three replied. "Who are you, my dear?"

"Clara Oswald. I used to travel with your eleventh incarnation, and now I travel with your twelfth."

"So, it would seem you are near the end, I suspect. Just one more after yours."

"No... Of the thirteen, my Doctor is the last, but I'll let him explain why."

Three looked at her curiously. "That should prove to be an interesting story."


"Okay, I wasn't expecting that..." Amy stated, as she absorbed the surroundings of the white control room. She turned to face a curly-haired man wearing a coat and lengthy scarf.

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