Section 3: Doctors and Daleks and Evil, Oh My!

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Section 3: Doctors and Daleks and Evil, Oh My!

The five women and K-9 appeared in the transit tubes. "Ugh, that makes me sick to my stomach. Do we have to keep doing that?" Leela complained.

"Affirmative, Mistress. Each trans-mat terminal we access brings us one step closer to the Doctors." K-9 answered.

"She's right, is does seem to jostle the tummy." Amy observed.

"Where are we now, K-9?" Rose asked.

"According to the internal schematic, we are in the historic figures section." K-9 replied.

"Historic figures? What are the odds that it is Earth history?" Ace asked suspiciously.


"Billions of species on this ship, and we conveniently wind up in the Earth history section. Ace is right; this has to be part of some elaborate plan." Zoe offered.

"And we have to walk right through it, don't we?" Amy snorted.


"How far, K-9?" Leela inquired.

"Six miles, Mistress."

"I suppose we should get moving." Ace huffed.

As the group began down the corridor, K-9 suddenly stopped. "Warning, Mistress! An unknown person is arriving via trans-mat."

The women spun around, while Leela drew her knife and Ace readied her can of Nitro 9. One of the transport cylinders lit up, and a female emerged from the light.

"River!" Amy and Nyssa chimed in unison.

"Hello, girls. Are you in need of a Doctor?" River smiled.

Amy turned to Nyssa. "How do you know River?"

"She stormed into our TARDIS... looking for your Doctor, I assume." Nyssa replied.

"Indeed I was, Nyssa. And the rest of you; the Doctor has told me so much about you. Ace, Zoe, you are exactly as he described you. Rose, you are in for so many adventures. Leela, you are a girl after my own heart. As for Amy, she and I met during the wreck of the Byzantium."

"What are you doing here?" Amy asked.

"When the TARDISes crossed, I ended up with the War Doctor... one none of you has met, I'm afraid. He is a wildcard in this entire adventure. Whoever brought us here isn't aware of his existence."

"Then how did he receive the distress call?" Zoe inquired.

"The call went out to all of his TARDISes. But we discovered evidence that our host was only expecting twelve Doctors. So the other Doctor disguised his DNA to read as human to try to reach them via the trans-mat system." River replied.

"Then let's go to him!" Leela urged.

"Our host has the transporters rigged to only go certain directions. I can reprogram the next one we find to take us to the one closest to them, but after one is used, there is no going back."

"So we keep moving forward?" Rose asked.

"Indeed we do." River smiled.

"K-9 said there is one several miles down this way, but we have to pass through the Earth history section. It could be awkward." Amy offered.

River smiled and wrinkled her nose. "No, that sounds fun! We are all time travelers, after all. Let get moving."

The group and its new leader moved quickly down the corridor, past several pods containing various habitats and historical figures. After passing one, Zoe suddenly stopped.

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