Forever and always: A Clato story

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Chapter One- 'And I'm obsessed with one boy. Cato...'

"Great shot Clove! You'll be prepared in no time!"
I smile, I didn't want to even think about the games! But, I couldn't let my families reputation down; my brother, Cane, won at the age of 15 and my sister, Isabelle, won at the age of 13. I guess it's in our genes( I wish it wasn't). I fake smile at lot. I don't want to hurt anybody or anything. All I wanted was to be an normal 14 year old girl who loves fashion(but doesn't own many 'up to date' clothing), spends most of her time with her friends and is obsessed about one particular boy. Cato, with his perfect blonde hair and greeny - blue eyes match perfectly with his beautiful tanned skin. He probably didn't even know I existed until today...
"Thanks!", I did another one of my fake smiles.
"Not long to your birthday now is it?", said my trainer(Jake) hinting at the fact that I would be expected to volunteer for this years Hunger Games.
"What if someone else volunteers?", I shot back at him.
"They won't sweetheart! We all know that you have the best chance of winning! And you know our rota: Last year Haylee and Jayden(both 14)where our tributes but, sadly they lost to Shimmer from District 1. So, as we all know, it is our 15 old careers turn".
"But what if I don't win?"
"Then we will hope that Cato wins!", said Jake with a slight hint of worry in his voice. He quickly turns on his heel and heads towards where Cato is practising.
"Wait!", Jake turns round, clipboard in hand, "You said something about Cato?"
"Ah yes! This years male tribute will be Cato!".
"Cato huh?" Great! Well, that's one thing to not sulk about! I turned and headed back to where I was practising. I couldn't concentrate properly. What was I going to tell mother and father? That I was forced into volunteering? No, I couldn't do that! I was brought up well and healthy. I shook my head in frustration; the games aren't for another 3 weeks(my birthday in 2) I'm sure I can get my head around this by then.

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