Chapter 20

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Should I forgive him? After all this? This choice could change everything... So I say, "I have missed you Cato" and pull him into me.
"You too beautiful, you too". He plants a kiss on my forehead and holds me tight. It's the final day of training tomorrow and then the private session where the game makers will give us a mark out of 12. I end up staying the night in Cato room, held in his arms until we are woken with a knock.
"Last day of training today! Up,up,up!", informs Mackenzie, "Breakfast in 10!". I get up although Cato is still sleeping. He looks kinda cute...
"Get up!", I shout. A mumbled 'no' is my reply so warn, "If you don't get up, I won't ever kiss you again!". That woke him up!
"I'm going for a shower. Get dressed".
"Can I come?", asked Cato.
Idiot, "No. I'm still mad at you". Am I?
He gives a small laugh, "You love me really". Cato then places his hands on my hips and leans in; I push him away and leave.
Whilst in the shower, I begin humming a lullaby with turns into singing:

Just close you eyes

The sun if going down

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I will be safe and sound

Safe and Sound

It's and old song sung by an Artist called Taylor Swift. I love the 21st century music and the 'pop' sings from the era.
"Nice singing babe". I blush and feel embarrassed even though he can't see me. Was I really that loud?
"Shut up Cato", I reply and slip on my training uniform and walk out the door. He follows me and slips his arm around my shoulder.
"Ah, I see you too have made up!", says Mackenzie happily.
"I still hate him", I reply.
"Well, you look like you don't! Anyway, come and have breakfast". We take our seats and eat whilst Mackenzie tells us about the interviews tomorrow night. More dresses.
When we finally get down to the training centre, I focus on what I'm going to show the game makers: Knives, swords and snares. Spears if I have time. People watch me as I get bullseyes every time and then gasp. Glimmer gives me weird looks as she tries to do archery, she can't shoot for her life. I can't believe I have to team up with her but, one night, she will mysteriously die.
At lunch, Glimmer doesn't sit with us as she wants more practise. She needs it. I try to make convocation with Marvel as he will also be in our alliance.
"So, Marvel, your from District one. What's it like there?".
"It's a nice place. Very...luxurious", he explains, "Whats 2 like?".
"Lots of forests and woods. Countryside mainly".
"That's sounds peaceful. Tell me, how long have you been training?".
"Ever since I could walk and talk I guess! You?".
"7. I didn't have a choice to volunteer. It was that or be executed!".
Bit harsh! "Oh, I'm sorry. I volunteered for my little sister. Do you have family?".
"Mother and father are always working and I'm an only child. What's your family like?".
"My parents have good jobs and I'm from a big family!".
"Good talking to you 2".
"You too. To bad I'm gonna kill you...".
"What happened to killing Glimmer first?".
"I want to give the audience a good show".
"Nice. Where's Cato?".
"Over there", I point to him sitting alone, "He wanted some time to himself. Well, we better get going!". We walk together to Cato's table and tell him it's time to go to the waiting room where we will be called in one by one. As we are from District 2, I only had to wait 45 minutes whereas 12 have to wait hours! We all get 15 minutes each to impress the game makers who will give us a score which will be televised on Tv tonight.

"Cato Hadley", says a robotic voice. Clove mouths "good luck" as I enter the door. I stand in the middle of the gymnasium and say, "Cato, District 2". They gesture for me to begin and I walk over to the swords and pick up the sharpest, heaviest one and walk over to the dummies. I stab them all in the heart and then slice of the heads just to give a good show. I get an applause. I then go over to the weight lifting and pick up the middle weight on and use all my strength to throw it towards to archery rack. A few fall off which results in me feeling embarrassed and the game makers laugh slightly. I'll show them! I pick up the heaviest one and use more than all my strength to throw it at the dummies lined up. I knock over all 3 and pick up my sword and slice and stab each one. I look at the game makers, waiting for a reaction. They weren't even watching! How could they miss that! I bet that was on purpose.
"I'm a career tribute idiots, your supposed to like me", I inform.
"What, was that?", they ask and I ignore as I pick up another heavy weight and slam it against the bottom on the stage; the game makers are sitting atop it. I could be as rude as I like, they can't hurt and punish me more than what they have already done. I'm already going to die, aren't I?

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