Chapter 25

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At dinner, we discuss how we are going to act at our interviews. Everyone's eyes are focused on Clove, including mine. I don't know why.

"What?", she finally asks.

"I'm trying to figure out what to do with you", Cane says, "How we're going to present you. Are you going to be charming? Aloof? Fierce? The Capitol knows two sides to you. The fierce side which you show to the tributes and the soft side towards Cato! The impression you make tonight will decide exactly what I can get you in terms of sponsors".

"How about, straight forward and direct. When he asks you about Cato, you turn soft". Having watched the tribute interviews all my life, I know there's truth to what Cane is saying. If you appeal to the crowd, you gain favour.

"What's Cato's approach? Or am I not allowed to ask?", she asks.

"Brutal Cato", Cane instructs.

"What if they ask about Clove?".

"Do the same as what I told Clove".

The next few hours are agonising! We have free time but Clove and I are not to spend it together. So, I go back to my room and do literally nothing. Before I know it, my prep team burst in and begin. The team works on me until late evening, turning my skin to glowing satin, plucking and waxing my legs. Senia then goes to work on my hair, trimming and cutting it to perfection. Make up is slapped on my face as if I'm a girl.

Then Tomaz walks in with what must be my suit but I can't really see it because it is covered.

"Close your eyes", he orders. I can feel the softness of the suit as it is placed on my naked body. I put on the shoes and then there is some adjusting and fidgeting. Then silence.

"Can I open my eyes?", I ask.

"Go ahead", Tomaz says. I open them and see a tall muscular guy wearing a black suit with silver stripes.

"Thank you", I say.

"Your very welcome Cato. Are you ready?", I nod, "Let's make our way there".


"Open your eyes", instructs Lillian.

The creature standing before me in the full-length mirror has come from another world. I'm not Clove, the sweet girl from 2 who wears flowery, lacy dresses but, I'm not Clove the brutal killer either. The dress is orange. Not like District 12's crazy escorts hair, soft, like a sunset. The upper half is silk with real diamonds sewn here and there whereas the bottom half is several layers of orange frills. For the first time in forever, I am not hot, I'm not gorgeous, I shine like the sun.

"It's-it's beautiful! Thank you", I want to cry with delight.

"Don't thank us, thank Lillian", one of the members of my prep team informs.

"Lillian", I begin, "The dress its- it's too amazing for words! I love it so much". I embrace her tightly.

"Only the best for our Clove. Now, just be your amazing self darling! We will all be watching".

"What if I mess up?".

"Just imagine your talking to a friend".

"I don't have friends". This is true. They are all afraid.

"Could you think of me as a friend?".

"Your more than my friend, your my life saver and my friend".

"Your so much like Isabelle! Now, when your scared, just look at me and answer as if your speaking to me. Think you can do that?". I nod "Well, let's get going then".

The interview take place in a room constructed next to the training room. It will be a matter on minutes before I'm on stage in front of the world. There is no time to insult other tributes as we are all lined up in District order.

"Looking hot", Cato compliments and he wraps he arm around me.

People stare, "When am I never not?", I reply. I don't mean to be cocky but the tributes are looking at us, I need to be tough.

When I step onto the stage, the crowd erupts with applauses and shouting. I give a small smile and walk towards the purple haired freak named Caesar. I feel invincible up here, they are all clapping for me!

"Clove! How great to see you!", he welcomes and shakes my hand, "You look fabulous!".

I don't blush but except the compliment and says, "Thank you, looking good yourself".

"Well, I am from the Capitol!". The crowd is in hysterics. What's so funny? He notices I'm not laughing and gestures for me to sit.

"Now, tell me, how did you get such a fabulous score?

"Well, I am a career!", I laugh. The audience join in as well.

"So, Clove, are the games all about winning?".

"Partly, they are also about bringing pride to your friends, your family, your district. To the whole to Panem!".

"Impressive. You do know that only one makes it out alive right?".

"Of course...".

"What about Cato?". Here come the waterworks...

"Cato and I had something special before the games. He wasn't just my best friend, he was my ally. We plan to stick to that through the entire games. It's together or not at all right?".

"Good words of advice Clove. We all wish you the best of luck in the games. Let's give it up for Clove everyone!". The crowd give one final cheer as I walk off the stage were another round of cheering begins.

"Well done, well done! That's was great!", congratulates Mackenzie.

"Nice work!", Cane says.

"That...was perfect! I'm such a proud big sister!", exclaims Isabelle.

"Now, tell us something Cato...", I hear in the background as I wander off to get a drink.

"Clove", a low voice says, "Your needed on stage". I drop the drink and follow them back on stage to find Cato holding a box in front of me.

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