Chapter 28

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Night is upon us once again, we all settle down to sleep whilst Glimmer takes the first watch. I'm supposed to be asleep next to Clove but, I don't trust Glimmer. Instead, every few minutes, I open my eyes, look about, rest then repeat. I try to come up with plan on how to kill Marvel and Glimmer. We need them until it's just us 4 left, then we split. Clove comes with me and we plan on an ambush. Then we win and the Capitol doesn't have the heart to break us apart so we go home and live happily ever after. But, that's not going to happen is it?

Tiredness must of gotten the better of Glimmer as when I wake again, she is fast asleep, wrapped around Marvel for 'protection'. Clove is one my right, snuggled into my chest just like it used to be. I notice stands of hair falling in her face and making her sniff and twitch her nose slightly. Without waking her, I remove them and tuck them behind an ear. I continue stroking her hair until tiredness has taken me over.

Buzzz. It's probably just some harmless bee. Buzzz, the noise is increasing, sounds more violent. I try to ignore it but for some reason, my mind won't forget. Something very sharp pricks my cheek and I yelp. Trackerjackers!

"Too the lake! Too the lake!", I cry. These are no ordinary wasps, they produce a poisonous venom which makes powerful hallucinations and in extreme cases, death.

The next few minutes are mayhem and hell mixed together. Clove, Marvel and I are trying to gather everything and run off, leaving Glimmer behind. Glimmer is being attacked by a swarm of killer bees, I can do nothing. Except save Clove.

In the distance, Glimmers' helpless screams can be heard, and then...silence, until the cannon goes off marking her death. Rest in peace barbie. A few meters ahead, a girl from District 4 is struggling to pull out the few stingers that must of caught her. I creep up behind her before Clove hisses, "She's mine Hadley. Back off!". She carefully brings out her knife and takes a deep breath before yelling, "Boo!", into the girls ear whilst shoving the knife deep into her back. She takes one last breath before collapsing. That's when I realise that Peeta is missing. He surly must of got stung. We all did! Hopefully they won't cause hallucinations.

"Coming?", asks Clove.

"Peeta, he is gone Clovers", I reply.

"Clovers? What type of stupid name is that?".

"What do you mean?".

"My name is Clove, we are in the Hunger Games and I'm gonna get hom-". Clove gasps and her knees drop to the ground, pulling her upper half after it.

"The venom...", I hiss, "Marvel, go back and see if Peeta is there. We will be at the lake". He nods and breaks into a jog. I scoop Clove up into my arms and carry her to the lake. What is happening to her? The venom gives hallucinations, not memory loss. She mustn't forget who I am or what I mean to her. She could risk her life.

I lay her atop two rocks so I can gather leaves that treat stings. Five are placed in my mouth and are chewed before I place them on top on her stings. Some of the stingers and still stuck into her so, I gently tug at them until the realise before placing on the leaves. I do the same for myself. Marvel returns later and reports that Peeta is gone, he is alive but gone, he then goes off to the other side of the lake muttering something about a baby? Glimmer, baby, mistake... That's all I heard. I squint my eyes and make out a figure across the water. I tell Clove to stay, as if she could hear me, and go over to the figure. It's the boy from three.

"Well hello. I'm Cato", I greet.

"Pl-please don't hurt me!", he begs.

"I was thinking along the lines of killing...". His face turn Snow White.

"N-no! I can help you. I can guard for you! Anything!".

I cocky my head and frown, "Hmm, okay. Make one mistake and your life is over. Got it?".

"Y-yes". I drag him by the collar over to Marvel.

"Found a little guard!". He chuckles and gets back to whatever he is doing. I drag him along towards Clove and shove him to the ground.

"Stay!", I order. Cloves stings are reducing by the minute but she is still out cold with the occasional sigh.

"It'll be okay baby", I whisper into the soft hair.

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now