Chapter 33

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When I wake, I am dazzled by the bright lights. I slowly sit up and look at my surroundings. I'm in a room containing just my head. No windows, no doors. Tubes comes in and out of my arm. I look down to see myself naked but covered by the bed sheet. My hands are soft once again and my nails have been perfectly filed into ovals. I try to sit but I am restricted by the tubes. I slump back down again as a red-headed avox appears. While she adjusts my pillow, I risk asking her one question.
"Is Cato alive?". She gives me a nod as she slips a silver spoon into my hand.
Why would the Capitol keep us alive? Why not just let us die?
I notice a tray put beside my bed as the avox leaves. A bowl of clear broth, a small serving of apple sauce and I glass of water? This is it? I think grouch icky. Shouldn't my homecoming dinner be a little bit more spectacular? I manage to finish most of the meal within minutes. It's seems my stomach has struck to the size of an acorn, and I wonder how long have I been out cold, because I had no trouble eating a fairly sizeable breakfast the day before the games. After the games, there is usually a few days where the victor, or victors in our case, stay in the Capitol to be cleansed and repaired. Somewhere, Tomaz and Lillian will be creating our wardrobes for public appearances. Isabelle and Cane will be arranging the banquet for when we return to our home district. Back home, District 2 is probably manic as they try to organise themselves for when we return. I have been to the banquets before, they are amazing! I can't wait to see everyone!
I want to get out of this bed. To see Cato, to run into his arms and be protected. Of course, I want to see Lillian also and Isabelle and Cane, to find out more information on what's going on. And why shouldn't I? I feel fine. As I start to work my way out of the band, I feel a cold liquid seeping into my vein from one of the tubes and almost immediately lose consciousness.
This happens on and off for a while. My life right now consists of waking, eating and sleeping.
Then finally, the time comes when I am released from the tubes and my arm is free. I sit up fully and examine my hands. Spotless...perfect. No scars, no cuts, nothing! I check my arm where Katniss shot me. I see no mark so, I check the other arm and see exactly the same. Capitol magic.
I slip my legs out of bed and grab the robe that has been left in replace of the tray. I can't go out like this! A pile of clothes next to the door catches my eyes. It's what us tributes wore in the arena, I have to greet my team in this.
I'm dressed in less than a minute and fiddle with the door handle until it opens.
"Cato!", I yell down a corridor.
"This way Miss Kentwell", says a Capitol person. Doctor, I'm guessing. I'm led into a massive chamber at the end of the hall where I see Isabelle, Lillian and Mackenzie. With thought, I ran into Isabelle's arms and the tears begin to flow.
"Your okay Clove. No one can hurt you now", she reassures. Mackenzie blabs on about how proud she is and we are so lucky for so many sponsors.
"Sponsors?", I sniff, "We didn't get any".
"Who do you think bribed the game makers to get both of you out? I was either that or food".
"Thank you Mackenzie. W-where is Cato? He is alive right?", I blurt out.
"He's fine. Only the way to do your reunion live on air at the ceremony", says Lillian, "Come with me, I have a dress for you". I take her hand as she pulls me out the room and into a studio.
The prep team smoother me in hugs and 'Welcome backs'. I'm thrilled to see so many people who don't want me dead.
"! What happened?", I ask, still muddled.
"They did a full body polish- not a flaw left on your skin", squeals one of the team members.
But when I look in my mirror, I notice how skinny I am. I was thin before the games but now I can't easily count my ribs.
They set up the shower for me and I let the warm water glide over me along with a vanilla scent. Next up is nails, makeup and hair. Throughout, we all are chatting to one another, just like we did before. But, nothing to do with me games, all Capitol gossip.
Lillian comes in holding a, what I think, red dress with matching high heels.
"Do you like it?", she asks as it slips over my head. I turn to the mirror and notice how the dress is padded in areas, returning my curves the games stole from me.
"I love it! It's just...", I look to my breast which have been enlarged.
"I know. But the game makers want to alter you surgically. Isabelle had a huge fight with them over it. This is the compromise", she admits. I release a small laugh as I slip on the high heels; it takes a while to regain balance. I am still the same Clove I was before I went into the games, just more fierce and wary.
"Thank you ever so much Lillian", I say as she fixes up my hair into curls.
"Anything for my favourite tribute".
A knock on the door breaks the silence.
"Let's have a look at you", Isabelle asks as I stand, "Stunning". She pulls me into a hug.
"Listen up, your in a lot of trouble with the Capitol. You showed them up".
"What do I do?", I say.
"You were and are madly in love. Thank the Capitol. Say you couldn't imagine life without him".
"Does Cato know this?".
"Of course".


The anthem booms in my ear as Caesar Flickerman greets the audience. I wonder if he knows how much pressure is on Clove and I right now. He must.
"Let's welcome Isabelle and Cane!", a spotlight finds them in the crowd and they go wild. The same happens for Mackenzie, Lillian and Tomaz.
"And now...what you have been waiting for...your victors from District 2!". I'm pushed on stage and the lights make my blind for half a second. When they adjust, I smile and wave. I turn my head and spot Clove over the other side of the stage. She catches my eyes and we are running towards each other. My arms lift her up and spin her before bringing her back down.
"You look beautiful", I whispers before kissing her.
"Hello? Cato? Clove? Over here!", jokes Caesar.
We sit together on a plush red couch. I'm practically sitting on him. Caesar makes a few more jokes, and then it's times for the show. This will last exactly 3 hours and will be available for all citizens to watch. Something hits me and I suddenly feel awful. I do not want to see those tributes die again. Once was bad enough. I resist the urge to run, for Cloves sake.
Condensing several weeks into 3 hours is quite a task, each year has a theme. This years is a love story. The first half hour or so is focused on the pre-arena events: the reaping, the chariot ride through the Capitol, our training scores and our interviews. They leave out all our fights and arguments. Which I am thankful for.
Once we are in the arena, there is detailed coverage of the bloodbath, focusing mainly Clove and I. Mostly Clove. Then it goes to when Katniss was in the tree, to the Trackerjackers and the lake. Lots of footage of Cloves memory loss is shown. I can see how disgraced she looks as she watches herself. The big blow up is next and I see that it was Katniss who set them off. I feel slightly bad for killing him but oh well. We watch Rues death in full and I see Clove struggling to hold back the tears. I reach for her hand and squeeze it. At the feast, they switch between Clove and me. Her killing Katniss and me 'hunting' for Peeta. I wasn't really, I was waiting for save Clove, and I did. The last half hour is us seeing Foxface and Peeta kill themselves. Finally, ending with the berries.
Much bowing and cheering follows. We run of stage and tangle ourselves in each other's arms.
"We are going home Clovers!", I exclaim.
"I can't believe this is real", her tone changes, "I'm sorry for the way I acted".
"Don't say that! It wasn't your fault. I was never going to give up on you anyway". I lean into kiss her when Mackenzie clears her throat.
"You'll have plenty time for that later. Come on Cato", instructs Mackenzie. We are pulled apart as Clove mouths 'bye'.
I return to my old bedroom on the second floor and am told to rest as tomorrow is a "big, big day!". When I wake, I demolish a bowl of something and tea before my prep team enters and dresses me for my interview. I end up wearing a black and blue suit, much like the one I wore before the games.
The interview takes place in a small room down a corridor. No audience this time, just Caesar and and a bunch of cameras.He shakes my hand when I come in.
"Congratulations, Cato. How are you doing".
"Okay. I miss Clove", I say.
"You will be seeing her very soon".

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