Chapter 8

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Percy P.O.V

     As soon I pressed the button to start them, they spurred to life and immediately charged at me. I deflected an arrow coming for my head and jumped to avoid a blow to the legs. I rolled out of the way and sliced off the head of the nearest automaton. "1 down, 24 more to go!" I mused. I got out my spear and threw it, knocking a bow out of one of the archer's hands then ran at it elbowing it in the stomach making it stumble and stabbing it with a dagger. Then I quickly spun around, grabbing my throwing knives that were strapped to my arms and threw them, pinning the automaton to the wall and quickly ending its life with a clean swipe of my sword. "Time to practice my powers," I thought.

     The remaining 22 automatons closed in as I grabbed Tremor and stabbed it into the ground, making the ground shake knocking all of them to the ground. I encased 11 of them with earth and solidified it to make it hard to escape. I slowed time and used my other sword, Timeless to kill the 11 not trapped in earth. Timeless was a special sword that sped up the death of enemies but making it seem slow to them. This death was more painful and gruelling. It could also help make my time powers less tiring. Anyway, I sliced off the head, arms, and legs of each automaton leaving them with only their bodies. I returned time to its normal state and used my earth powers to squeeze the automatons encased in dirt, making them suffocate and be squeezed to death. I looked around, seeing bodies and random limbs everywhere. I clapped once, making them all disappear, cleaning up the area. I smiled with satisfaction and sheathed my twin swords.

     I heard clapping behind me and turned to face the spectator. It was my dad. "Son I'm very proud of you. You use both mine and Gaea's powers very well. When we attack Olympus, you will be the strongest fighter. Stronger than all those demi-gods and the gods! We will rule the world and make those gods pay for what they did!"

     That was true. The gods had palaces in Olympus and could have any demand granted while the "monsters" like the titans, giants and primordials were cast away to Tartarus because Zeus was afraid that we would try and overthrow him. Well if he wasn't so harsh, we wouldn't even try, but look at us now, training an army to attack Olympus in a couple days. Oh well. Too bad for the gods! The only ones I was fine with were Hestia (she was innocent for everything), Poseidon (I just felt a connection to him. Maybe in a past life), and Apollo. I don't even know why for the last one. "Yes, father. We will destroy them!"

Kronos P.O.V

     I was truly proud of my son. Sure, he killed me before with Luke and was like the gods' slave but he didn't know I was his father at that time. The reason why he was even with the gods instead of me was because he was my first child and it was dangerous for him to be alive at that time! So I had to put him in the Lotus Casino even though he was only a day old and leave him there, changing his eye colour to not cause any suspicion. I swallowed my other children fearing they would find him and kill him for being the most powerful. Sadly when my children escaped, Poseidon found him and claimed him as his son and gave him powers over the water and his eyes turned sea green. Percy's powers over time were hidden as the water powers took over. At least it wasn't Zeus who found him. Poseidon gave Percy to Sally, his lover and they agreed to have Sally raise him like his own son. However, Sally was actually keeping a secret from Poseidon. Percy actually was Sally's son but not with Poseidon, with me. So Percy wasn't actually a demi-god. He was a demi-titan!

     I had tried to tell Percy of his real parentage many times but he always cut me off thinking I was evil. It was really the gods who were evil. When I got Memoir (Made-up goddess), goddess of youth and memories on my side, I realized that she could help turn Percy back into the child I wanted to raise myself. So I worked with her to turn back his age and make him 6. He forgot all about the gods and camp-half blood. Then we made him age faster so that he turned 17 in only a year and a half. I got to raise Percy and me, Sally and Percy were a happy family. When we beat the gods, I would be king, Sally would be queen, and Percy would be the prince, heir to my throne.


Yay, a long chapter! 831 words! But this chapter sucks because it's kinda a filler and has so much info! Also, I'm terrible at fight scenes so yeah. I'm probably gonna edit it when I finish this story or something. Well, see ya on the next chapter. Bye!!!

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