Chapter 23

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Guys! Don't kill me! I'm not giving up on this story!! I just... kinda sorta might've forgotten about it? Hehehehe whoops. I didn't go on Wattpad for a while so yeah... Just read the chapter.

Percy P.O.V

"Perseus Jackson... you have a very, very interesting life ahead of you. Two choices. One final path. Which will you choose?" a chilly voice resonated through the air.

"Who are you? What's happening?"

"I am Janus, the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings... You need to make a choice. Which path will you take? Evil or good?

I thought about it. "Good" or "Evil?" Gods or Titans'? Poseidon or Kronos? This is a tough decision. Whichever one I choose will be for the rest of my life! Which will I choose?

I took in a breath and decided on my decision. "The side I will choose to be on is..."

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