Chapter N

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Medic Duties

Healing isn't a process.
Sometimes, it can be a pain in the ass.

Sasuke's POV

Our nii-sans had a hard time detaching Sakura from the Hokage. Yup, I know her. I've seen her face in some books Itachi-nii had back at the hideout. Though, some part of me feels like I know her personally.

Eh? Creepy.

Boredly, I glanced at Sai while the adults talked about something like babysitting and an apartment.

He was looking at Sakura.

=__= bastawd.


He turned to face me and by then, I wanted to punch him in the face for no valid reason. He lookes like a ghost!

"Yes, emo---I mean, Sasuke?"

I frowned. "First of all, I'm not an emo!! Pft! Anyway, I think I saw a museum earlier, near the park."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

I deadpanned.

"They have an ink gallery." =__=

And just like that, he scurried away with a headstart. I smirked and dug my hands inside my pockets. Naruto then came along with a whining green ninja behind him.

"Sasuke-kun, you look very adorable and youthful in your child form!"



"Umm... What the fuck awe you talking about mister?"

But the bushy brow man just grinned. =__= seriously, what's wrong with these people? The brown-haired girl--TenTen---pulled him by the ear and smiled apologetically at me.

"He he he.. Don't mind this nuthead. Actually, he just got home from the mental hospital the other day!"

I nodded my head and walked away, not wanting to socialize with anyone at the moment.

I sat on the couch on the waiting area and watched Naruto piss Hidan-nii off.



I sweatdropped.

How could Naruto be so care-free? Suddenly, I remember the days me and Itachi-nii would go out training. That was a long time ago and the memories are vague. I wonder where otou-san are? Events came like a blur and the last thing I can remember was the day Itachi went on an ANBU mission.

Something's missing.

A part of my past? Maybe. But I really need to find our parents. I miss them.


My gaze shifted to the white-eyes shinobi sitting next to me. I titled my head to the side, staring at him. Yup! He looks awfully familiar too.

The man gave me a smile.

"So, how are the Akatsuki?"

Is he seriously asking me that?

"Umm.. They'we okay. Still idiwots."

"Hahahaha! You never seem to change, Uchiha. Still cocky, 'ne?"

I frowned. "Hn. Who are you?"

But instead of answering my question, he stood up and started walking back to the Hokage's office. Leaving the words,

"You'll remember me soon enough, Uchiha. Oh, and by the way, Sakura's looking at you."



I looked around and saw a certain pink-haired girl waving at me. My cheeks heated up again so I immediately looked away. Dammit! Annoying brat!

A short haired, brunette then came in and guided Sakura out the door.

"Hey! Where are you taking hew?!"

But they ignored me! Argh. NOOOOOO! Nobody ignores an Uchiha and gets away with it!

So, secretly, I followed them.


Hmmmmm... A hospital? Is she going to stab Sakura and confine her in a hospital? Is she going to paralyze her and use her body for creepy experiments like that snake guy on TV does?

I frowned at the thought.

But when I followed them into one of the rooms, I saw Sakura smiling.

"Okie dokie! Where are my patients Shizune-nee?"

The lady, Shizune, pointed at the Sand shinobis lying unconscious on the white beds. Other Sand ninjas were seated inside the room, confusion written on their faces while looking at Sakura. =__= I knew Sakura was confusing. Even until now, I have second doubts if she really is a she.

But I guess that's not it either.

"WAAAAAAHHH! This is amazing! Can I whack them on the head, Shizune-nee?!"

(*^O^*)//  <------ Sakura

Shizune ------>  ( ●︿● )?!


Shizune scratched the back of her head and smiled nervously,

"Umm.. Sakura? The Hokage asked you to heal them with your healing jutsus and teach the young Suna doctors how to properly handle a patient."

Sakura's eyes sparkled. "Oooohh......Ok! Can I whack their heads after?"

"Umm.. No."


I facepalmed. This is going to be a looooong week.


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