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Once finished with our cereal, Noodle and I went to the living room to watch some Netflix. I didn't want to be impolite so I let her pick out the show which turned out to be some sort of anime in Japanese. For almost an hour I sat staring at the TV, completely zoned out and thinking about the craziness of the last 24 hours. An arm appeared around my shoulders and I felt a thigh touch against mine. I snapped out of my trance and looked to my right to see Murdoc's green skin and greasy black hair. He stared at me with his booger crusted eyes. His thin lips were pulled up into a big yellow sharp toothed smile. 

"'ello der beau'ifu'. 'ow'd you sleep love?", He asked. His breath stank of rum and I physically cringed at the unnatural warmth and spit that flew at me when he spoke. 

"O-oh hello. Murdoc is it?", I tried to be polite and not show signs that I was uncomfortable. His face contorted into one of disgust. 

"Wha' do you mean 'Murdoc is it'. I am the  Murdoc Niccals! Only da most talented of the biggest band in the world!", He practically yelled at me. I shrunk into the couch, trying to get away from him. He fumed for a little while longer then looked at me and smirked. "Although I could neva stay mad at a fit girl like you. Whaddya say we go back to my room and have a little chat?", His long reptilian tongue licked his pointed teeth and he took a hold of my hand, trying to pull me with him off the couch. I looked to Noodle and pleaded with my eyes for her to help me. She jumped up and roundhouse kicked Murdoc in his stomach, making him fall to the ground in a heap. 

"Hands off.", She said to Murdoc and pulled me upstairs to her bedroom. "I am very sorry about Murdoc. He's not very polite to guests.", Noodle told me. 

"It's okay.", I assured her. I had completely forgotten about my cell phone that was sitting on my makeshift bed. I reached to get it and tried to turn it on but it was out of battery. I sighed. "Do you have an iPhone charger?", I asked. 

"No I do not. You can go ask Russel or 2D-san though.", She replied and pulled out her acoustic guitar, strumming a few chords. I nodded and stood up to leave the room. I walked down the corridor to Russel's room first. I knocked and he answered after a few seconds. 

"Hey (Y/N) what do you need?", He asked me. 

"Hey Russel. Do you have an iPhone charger that I could borrow?", I asked him, hoping he would say yes. He frowned. 

"Nah I'm sorry. I think 2-D does though.", He told me. My stomach flipped. I didn't want to go to 2-D's room... he made me nervous for some reason.

"Alright. Thanks anyways.", I smiled to him. He smiled and shut the door. I slowly made my way down the narrow corridor to Stu's room took a deep breath before knocking. I don't know why I was feeling so nervous to ask him for a simple phone charger but I was. When it got to about a minute of waiting I started to turn to walk away but the door opened just as I was leaving. 

"Oh 'i (Y/N). Der someting you need?", He asked when he saw me. I walked back towards the door with a slight blush on my face. 

"Uhh d-do you have an iPhone charger I c-could borrow?", I squeaked out. 

"Oh yeah I do. 'ere come in while I get it.", He opened the door further to let me in. I stood in the doorway as he started digging through piles of clothes to find it. Clothes were strewn everywhere along with empty pizza boxes and plates. I kept my gaze off on my feet and waited quietly. "-ere you go.", I felt Stu's breath on the top of my head as he was much taller than me. He stood quite close to me and I blushed as his hand brushed mine when I grabbed the charger. 

Stu's POV

Her hand brushed mine as she took the charger from me and my cheeks warmed up. I don't think she noticed though which I was thankful for. She would think I was stupid if she did. Seeing her in my shirt made my stomach flutter. 

"Th-thanks Stu.", She stuttered out. I smiled lightly at the nickname. My voice was caught in my throat as she turned and walked out of the room. After shutting the door, a large smile spread across my face and it wouldn't leave no matter how hard I tried to make it. Why was I feeling this way? I hadn't even held a proper conversation with her yet she intrigued me. I loved how she rejected Murdoc from the start. Most of the girls that came around automatically went to Murdoc for their dirty needs just like Paula but she didn't seem interested in that and that made me smile. Maybe I had a chance this time. 

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