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Russ POV

Our gig went as well as they usually do. Good crowd, a few crude gestures by Murdoc, girls fainting at the sight of 2D, etc. At about 9:00 pm I texted (Y/N) that we were done and on our way back though I didn't get an answer. I wasn't too worried about it since she was probably asleep or watching TV or something. 2D fell asleep in the car on the way back and Noodle played on her old Gameboy. I stared out the passenger side window and just thought about everything that had happened within the past week. Looking back, it was so much but I'm so glad that all of this happened because we have another member of the family living with us and she's pretty fucking great.
Soon enough we were back at home. Usually that trip would take about half an hour but with Murdoc driving he cuts it down to fifteen minutes. Illegally of course. Noodle shook 2D awake and I slowly stood up out of the car. I started walking up the steps to the front door and as I put my hand on the doorknob, the door opened. Weird. All the lights were on inside but that was normal. I stepped inside and pulled off my shoes then went downstairs to the basement to see if (Y/N) was awake. I heard the rest of the group trudging up to their beds as I walked down the stairs. The steps creaked underneath me. When I got to her room I knocked but there was no answer. I assumed she was asleep so I opened the door and stuck my head in. No one was there. My brow creased in confusion as I touched the bed and found it cold. On her night stand was her phone. I grabbed it and walked back upstairs thinking she may be on the couch. She wasn't. I started to worry and checked every place I could think of. I knocked on Noodle's door after about twenty minutes of looking for her.
"What?", Noodle yelled through the wooden door.
"Is (Y/N) in there?", I asked, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. After a few seconds Noodle answered.
"No.", She said. I shook my head and walked to Murdoc's room. I knocked and he shouted at me through the door.
"Wha' tha bloody 'ell do yew wan'", He shouted.
"Wondering if (Y/N) is in there.", I answered him.
"Oh lord I wish she was. Hot stuff i'nt she.", He said lowly. I left and trudged across the hall to 2D's room and knocked.
"'ello?", His voice cracked when I knocked.
"Is (Y/N) in there?", I asked, hoping for a yes.
"Uhh no?", He said questioningly. My heart dropped to my stomach. I had checked every nook and cranny for her but she wasn't here. I wouldn't be worried if she didn't leave her phone and her shoes but she did. My heart raced. My palms started getting clammy and I burst into 2D's room.
"She's gone.", I said. His face grew pale.
"Whu-whu' do yew mean she's gone?", His voice cracked.
I sighed, "She left her shoes and her cell phone here and she's not anywhere to be found."
2D looked like he was going to pass out. I honestly felt the same way.

an// here's a little filler! i love you all!!!

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