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My breathing picked up speed. I could hear my heart beat in my ears. My tears blinded me. I knew a panic attack was coming up but I knew that nothing I could do would make it subside. I pulled against the zip ties and tried to move my mouth around to get the duct tape off but nothing worked. I started hyperventilating and sweating like crazy. More muffled screams and cries escaped my mouth. I could hear Alec and my mother getting out of the car and coming to the back. My flailing and cries became more desperate until I was just flopping against the seat trying to free myself. Snot and tears were everywhere and I couldn't control my breathing. I had just got fucking kidnapped. By my own mother. I never knew she was capable of such a thing. Turns out she is. 

Alec opened the left hand door where my head was laying and pulled the bag off my head. I looked up at him through tear blinded eyes and started crying, once again, at the sight of his face. I craned my neck to look behind him and we were back at my mothers house. She stood holding open the back door for Alec to carry me in. I was praying that someone would see what was happening and would call the police. Alec pulled me half way out of the car by my hair which caused me to cry out in pain. He just looked down with an angry look and pulled even harder. I tried to muffle my cries even more but it was useless. He carried me bridal style out of the car and up the back porch steps into the house. I looked around the familiar house in disgust. So many awful memories. 

"Welcome home, (Y/N)!", My mom exclaimed once she shut the door and locked it behind her. She pulled the tape off of my mouth and I immediately took a deep inhale from being deprived of a good amount of air for so long. More tears escaped my eyes and I wheezed. 

"LET ME GO!",  I exclaimed and wiggled against Alec's force, trying to free myself. My mother frowned and Alec squeezed even tighter, stunting my breathing. 

"Now I thought you would be more excited than this to be home.", My mom frowned at me and shook her head. "What's wrong?", She asked. I looked at her in disbelief. Was she really this dumb?

"You fucking KIDNAPPED me!", I shouted at her. Her eyebrows creased and I could tell she was starting to get angry. 

"Don't you DARE swear at me again young lady. You don't talk to your mother that way.", She said in a low, commanding voice. No rational thoughts were forming in my mind so I busted out laughing. 

I laughed hard for a few seconds while they looked at me with confused faces. "You are not my mother.", I said lowly. I don't remember much after that. I know that she got angry and so did Alec and they must have hurt my head hard enough for me not to remember because next thing I know I'm down in an isolated room in the basement with a splitting headache and a bump on both my forehead and right behind my left ear. Dried blood sat underneath my nose and on my lips and I could feel that I had gotten a black eye. I looked down and saw the raw marks on my wrists and ankles from the zip ties. The only things in the room was a twin sized, stained mattress and a thin scratchy blanket. As soon as I woke up I tried the knob on the door even though I was certain it was locked. It was, and with no hope left I fell back onto the mattress with tears spilling down my cheeks. I didn't know how many more tears my body could produce but they never stopped falling. No windows and no light source. They also must've taken my phone because I couldn't find it anywhere. Not surprising. My breathing picked up again and more tears spilled before another panic attack entered my body. It felt like I was drowning. No way of breathing. It looked like I was looking at everything through a tube and I couldn't feel my body. I shook and shook and cried and screamed and pulled at my hair and pounded on the walls. Maybe someone would hear me. Unfortunately no one did and my exhaustion pulled my body down to the ground.

"2D... Russ... Noodle... someone just please come save me.", I whispered with the last of my hope draining from me. I'm going to die in here. They're gonna either kill me or keep me in here long enough to see me kill myself.

AN// Here we are with a drama filled chapter. Hope you enjoy. I'll try to do updates more consistently so watch out for newer chapters!

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