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Stu's POV

No she couldn't have been gone. She was just here a few hours ago. She couldn't leave that quickly. But if she did... why? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset her? What happened? Why did she leave her phone? All of these questions were spinning around in my mind and I couldn't think straight. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I looked up to see Russel still standing in my door, him too, losing his color quickly in dread. I started to panic. The tears that threatened to spill before now poured down my pale cheeks and my breathing became shallow. Nothing escaped me except for harsh breaths and my salty tears. For about two minutes, which seemed like two hours, Russ and I just stood still in disbelief and dread.

"'ave yew checked everywha'", I finally squeaked out. His head snapped towards me as he was shifted back into focus.

"What?", He asked, not hearing what I had said. I repeated my question and he nodded his head. My heart dropped even more. My hands made their way to my blue hair and gripped hard as I shook from the awful news. Murdoc appeared behind Russel with a disgusted look on his face.

"Wha' are yew blokes cryin' abou'", He spit out. Russ quickly told him what happened and Murdoc too was taken aback. "Wha' tha hell? Where's she gone?", He asked.

"We don't know.", Russ answered him. I tuned out Russ and Murdoc's conversation and just sat shaking and crying and yanking at the blue hair in my scalp.

Suddenly a realization came to me, 'Wait. Didn't she say something about her mom and ex boyfriend before?', I thought. My brow crinkled as I tried to think back at what she had said.

I heard crying coming from Noodle's room although it didn't sound like Noodle. I became confused and knocked but whoever was in there continued to cry. I opened the door slowly and my black eyes widened as I saw (Y/N) sitting with her head in her knees crying hysterically and shaking. My heart immediately dropped to my stomach as I felt the urge to bring her into my arms. I knelt and did just that. She started to trash and hit me.

"NO DON'T TOUCH ME! LEAVE ME BE!", She shouted at me. I was taken slightly aback but decided to hold her even tighter. I didn't know what was happening and I wasn't thinking straight so I pulled her closer to me. She continued to thrash and yell obscenities at me but I didn't let go. Eventually her thrashes became softer and she wore herself down into quiet crying.

"'s all gon' be okay darlin'. You're okay.", I whispered into her soft hair. I continued this to help calm her and it seemed to work. My heart just shattered at the sight of her in such despair. I don't know why but I couldn't stand to see her hurt like that.

"I'm sorry for going crazy there.", She told me with a squeak in her voice. I started to rock her back and forth and stroked my hand through her (H/L) (H/C) hair.

"'s alri'. 'm jus' glad you're okay now.", I told her. We sat in that position for a while until she said something.

"Stu I'm scared.", She said quietly into my chest. My brows creased.

"Of wha' hun?", I asked. She choked up.

"My ex and m-mom are trying t-to find me and I'm afraid they're gonna hurt me.", She said. My heart rate picked up and the color drained from my face. I lifted her head to look at her puffy, yet beautiful, eyes.

"Woah woah woah what'? They're gon' hur' yew?", I asked in dread. She nodded and broke down once again.

My head snapped back to reality and I shot up from my position.

"I know who took her.", I interrupted Russel and Murdoc's conversation. By this time Noodle had come too. They all snapped their heads to me in surprise.

"What how?", Russel asked quickly.

"A few days ago I foun' her havin' a panic attack and she sai' tha' her mum and ex were tryin' ta fin' her an' tha' they migh' hur' her.", I said and stood up from my bed. I pulled on a jacket, ready to go look for her.

"Wha'? Why didn' yew tell us this?!", Murdoc asked angrily.

My face flushed. "I-I didn' think tha' they woul' find her.", I answered, my voice cracking.

"Well they bloody did!", Murdoc shouted at me. My muscles tensed as he shouted and more tears brimmed my eyes.

"Please don' shou' a' me. Let's jus' go fin' her.", I said quietly. He cursed under his breath but stayed quiet.

Russ spoke up, "Okay do you know anywhere where they might be?", He asked.

"Uh no bu' we have her phone so we cou' loo' there.", I said. He nodded and turned on the phone but cursed when he saw it had a passcode.

"'ere give i' to me I migh' remember i' from seeing her type i' in once.", I said and took the phone from him. I tried once but failed. I swore and tried again two, three times, each one of them failing. All of a sudden Noodle had snatched the phone and returned it to me within two seconds, the phone unlocked and now at the home screen. I just shook my head. Living with Noodle this long has taught me not to question her. As I was starting to look through the texts between her and the people who supposedly taken her, my phone buzzed in my jacket pocket. I handed (Y/N)'s phone to Russ and opened mine to see a message from someone I hadn't talked to in a long while.

Paula: Hello Stu! We haven't talked in so long. I miss you. Would you like to come over for a drink or two? xoxo

~Paula <3

AN// OOOOOH WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEEEEEN??? Alright so since yall have been begging so much, I've written another chapter. I'm gonna TRY to be more active since I'm on summer break now but no promises. Also I kinda want to start another book. Maybe Gorillaz related again. GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS. I DON'T CARE HOW WEIRD THEY MIGHT BE. THE WEIRDER THE BETTER!

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