Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Melia Wallace

Sherlock's POV

"You should come," he'd told me. "Meet my new family."

I was childhood acquaintances with Humbert. His family lived right down the street from me, and we would often play rugby with Mycroft in Humbert's backyard. But recently, I'd sensed a behaviour change in the man I had known for so long.

Anyway, I went to Humbert's new house, which was just across town from the flat I was sharing with a new friend, Dr. John Watson. I was kindly introduced to Humbert's new wife, Charlotte. Charlotte had been a single mother for so long before meeting Humbert. However, she came off a little tacky and overbearing. Her hair is frizzy and she smells of too much cologne, and I notice how she fiddles with her wedding and engagement rings subconsciously.

Now, I'm standing here, attempting to carry on a conversation with her when all she really does is continue to say, "Well, as Humbert always says," and then mess up on some quote in French. Humbert had moved to London with his family at age eight after living in France for so long. He always carried his culture with him in everything he did. I'm sure Charlotte's lack of knowledge about the language bothers Humbert a bit, but he doesn't show it.

"Would you like a drink, Sherlock?" Humbert finally asks. "We have fresh lemonade."

"That would be lovely, thank you," I answer.

"Oh! I almost forgot, I have to go check on my macarons! Humbert taught me the recipe and I thought I'd try them out for myself," Charlotte says, scurrying into their house after her husband. I am left standing in the yard when I see somebody I knew was missing from the picture: Humbert's new stepdaughter. She is lying in the grass next to a sprinkler reading something. I walk over.

"Hello," I say. The girl looks up.

"Hi," she mumbles. "Are you Humbert's friend?"

"Yes, you could say that. We grew up together. I'm Sherlock," I say, reaching out a hand. She shakes it.

"My silly mother named me Dolores, but you can call me Lo."

"Nice to meet you. What are you reading, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's a school book. I have to study for my arithmetic test on Thursday."

"I see," I say. "Arithmetic wasn't my favourite, let me tell you, but it does come in handy." After a short pause, I add, "How old are you, Lo?"

"Fourteen," she says, flipping the page in her book. "Sometimes I act like it, sometimes I don't."

"I'm thirty-four," I say. "I never act like it."

Lo looks up from her book and laughs. "You seem pretty professional to me."

"I'm a mix of an eighty-year-old man and a six-year-old boy. There is no in between with me."

"I know what you mean. Humbert can be really childish at times while others, he's just a mean old stinker. I guess it's a man thing."

"Probably so," I say. I hear Humbert yell for me, so I walk back over to him and he hands me my lemonade.

"Where'd you run off to, Sherlock?" Humbert asks.

I take a sip of my lemonade. "I was talking to your stepdaughter. She seems very well-behaved."

"At times," he grumbles. "Excuse me for a moment, would you?" He walks over to Lo. I watch as he says something to her, then she closes her book and runs toward the door.

"Nice meeting you," I say before she smiles at me and goes inside.

"Terribly sorry 'bout that," Humbert says when he gets back to me. "Charlotte was having some trouble with the macarons so I suggested Lo go help her."

"Of course," I say, noting his rather controlling and manipulative nature. Very theatrically, I take a look at my wristwatch. "Good heavens, look at the time. I do believe I have an appointment. Terribly sorry. Perhaps we can reschedule? And then you could meet my flatmate, John." I wonder if Humbert notices me lying as I hand him back my glass.

"Oh yes, that'd be grand. Just give me a ring when you know when you want to do that!" he says. "Have a good day."

I spin myself around on the heels of my shoes and begin walking off the property. What is wrong with Humbert and his strange behaviour with Lo?

©2013 "Sweet Dreams" by Peyton Celeste. I do not own Sherlock, Lolita, or any of the characters. I also do not own the song "Sweet Dreams" which this title is based off of. All rights go to their respective owners. The fanvideo I based this story off of is not made by me either, but you can find a link to it in the description of the story. I just own the story and nothing else!

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