Chapter Eight

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Lo's POV

"What do you mean, Sherlock did this because of Humbert?" John says, a mix of emotions flashing in his expression. "That doesn't make any sense!"

"Of course it makes sense!" I say, trying to stay calm. "Humbert saw Sherlock in the way of getting to me. Here, look at what I found." I show John the letter. "There's a code hidden in it. Read the words I circled."

John studies the page for a minute before muttering, "Oh my God. Of course... God, Sherlock, why'd you get yourself into this mess?"

I don't know what he means by this. Did he not think Sherlock loving me was a good idea? "Excuse me?" I say in a hurt tone.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry, Lo. I'm just so frustrated right now. I know you understand."

I nod. "No, I get it. I am too. This whole thing is just a huge mess. I feel like it's all my fault." Mary, who's been sitting quietly in her chair this whole time, gets up and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, dear. It's not your fault. I don't know what I'd do if I lost John. I can not imagine it."

I put the letter in my pocket once more. "I think Humbert might be trying to find me now that Sherlock's dead," I say. "That's why I need to stay here tonight."

"Of course," John says. "Anything to keep you safe. It's what Sherlock would have wanted." Mary rubs her hands over John's shoulders, a subconscious effort to comfort him.

That night

Sherlock is running towards me. His mouth opens to say something but it sounds like his voice is coming from underwater. He grabs my forearm and he transforms into Humbert. I scream.

I sit up and look around. I'm in John's living room still. I'm safe.

I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was almost completely over having dreams about Humbert, but now they're back. And I'm afraid of what I can dream of now that Sherlock's gone. I don't know how long I can stay with John and Mary. It can never be long enough to stay away from Humbert.

The next morning

After John leaves to go take care of some things to do with Sherlock, Mary tells me she's going to run some errands and asks if I'd like to come along. I run a brush through my hair and we leave.

The first shop we go to is the market. Mary buys some bread and a sack of apples, then we go into a little boutique that sells accessories and makeup. I'm happy to know she's trying to help me keep my mind off of Sherlock and Humbert.

As we walk back towards the car, Mary slaps her forehead. "I completely forgot to get sugar!" she says. "I won't make you run back over there with me. You just stay here. I'll be right back!" She runs off and I stand outside the car since she didn't unlock it. Behind me, I hear the running motor of a car. I turn around to see a car that I despise with everything in me- the car that belongs to Humbert. All my nightmares jump to life when he gets out of the car and laughs.

"I knew I'd finally find you," he says. I take a step back as he moves closer to me.

"Leave me alone!" I say, trying not to make a scene.

"I don't want to hurt you," he replies. I continue moving backwards. I am now standing next to a cafe and hope someone will see me through the window, but nobody does. No one comes rushing out to my rescue. I clench my fist, my other hand instinctively around me stomach.

"I knew all along that son of a bitch Sherlock was in my way. So, I got rid of him." He looks down. "But then I realized, Sherlock was never the real obstacle. It was your defiant attitude towards me. And I thought, maybe, I really was in the wrong."

I want to throw up. Maybe he was in the wrong?

"So, I'm going to do something about all this."

"Really? What would that be?" A gust of wind blows my hair into my face, so I tuck it behind my ear.

"You won't have to see me ever again." He pulls a hand gun out of his pocket and I freeze in fear. Where's Mary? I scream inside my mind.

I jump behind a car and duck down. "Please, don't hurt me.. please..." I whisper. I flinch when I hear the gunshot.

©2014 "Sweet Dreams" by Peyton Celeste. See story description for more copyright info.

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