Chapter Two

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Humbert's POV

After Sherlock leaves, I go inside to find Charlotte waving her hand over the macarons in attempts of cooling them off and Lolita is sitting on the sofa, still studying. I dump the remainder of Sherlock's lemonade down the sink and set the glass down sideways.

"Oh, Humbert, is your friend gone?" Charlotte asks me, hurrying over. "I need to go to the store and I don't want to leave Lo here alone."

"Yes, he's gone," I say. "What are you getting?"

"I forgot to get more lemonade mix and we're also out of paper napkins and cigarettes."

"Okay, well you go do that, and I'll watch Lo." Lolita looks over at me and I can see a mix of terror and hopelessness in her eyes. I've got her wrapped around my finger and she can't do anything about it, my sweet little Lolita.

"Thank you dear. I should be back in twenty minutes!" Charlotte says, throwing her handbag on her shoulder and running out the door. I hear the car start up and roll over the rocks in the driveway, and I know it's safe.

"Lo, could I talk to you upstairs for a moment?" I ask.

"Why can't you talk to me right here? What's the point?" she defies once more.

"Just more convenient. Come on," I say forcefully, grabbing her wrist and half-leading, half-dragging her upstairs. We get into her room and I sit down on the chair next to her bed. I pat my lap and she sits down on it. "What were you and Sherlock talking about?" I ask.

"He was just asking me normal questions, y'know? Like my age and what I was reading. Then you had to be rude and make us stop talking."

"I didn't make you stop talking. He came over and got his drink."

"No, but then you made me go inside. I didn't even do anything wrong." She looks at me for a moment, as if studying me. "You think I like Sherlock, don't you?" she hisses. "Well, what would it matter anyway? You're a controlling freak and it'd be illegal anyway. As if you'd know anything about legal age of consent." She gets up and storms out of her room. I run after her.

"That's no way to talk to your father, now is it?" I say, spinning her around by the arm.

"You're not my father. You're just a stupid replacement and you're a sick man! And I don't have to listen to you!" She spits on me, wriggles out of my grip, and runs back downstairs onto the couch. When I get downstairs, I stand in front of her. She looks up at me. "You're lucky I haven't told Mother about you yet. Oh, what she'd do. She'd kick you out, kill you, call the cops on you, and kill you again."

"It's funny you're so sure of that."

"Why is it funny? Because I'm not allowed to think things out like that? Because I'm a girl and now I'm  your property?"

"I never said you were my property!"

"No, but you sure as hell act like it!"

I can't believe my ears. Lolita would dare to curse in front of me? Dare to defy me several times in less than ten minutes? Before I can do anything further, my phone rings. Lolita gives me a snide look and runs back upstairs. As my finger hits the "Answer" button, I hear her bedroom door slam shut.

"Hello, Humbert! It's Sherlock. I'm on my way to my appointment, but I just checked my calendar. Is next Friday evening okay?" Sherlock's voice is a bit loud on my phone so I hold it several inches away from my face in efforts to keep from going deaf.

"Yes, I suppose," I answer. "Would seven o'clock work? Will your friend be coming?"

"John won't be coming, sadly. We don't have an available time set for both of us for another three months."

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