The Cliff.

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- Ally's POV -

Today was the day. The day were I was going to end my life and no one will stop me.

I woke up being my normal self on the outside but really on the inside. I was dying every little part of my insides were dying every second. It was painful to think that this time tomorrow I will be up there with my past family, friends and pets but this was the only way I will be happy.

" Morning. " I said towards Jack but I don't think he heard me but someone did because I heard a noise on the lines of "And morning to you to bitch. " I was guessing Finn was in the same room as I was but I just could see him.

I put that behind me and carried on with my life which was ending soon and no one will know until it's to late. I eat my favourite cereal with lots of sugar. Fuck my teeth and health ! Right now that's the last I care about.

I got changed into my favourite outfit. If I was going to die, I wanted to die in style so that was my plan. All I wanted to do was live my life at the max today and this contain doing random shit, texting my boyfriend and living my last day with my two favourite 'friends' if that's what you would call them.

I walked into the kitchen with a big grin on my face. " Morning ! " I said sweetly. I was greeted by a half asleep Jack and a bored Rosie. Rosie looked in my direction an all of a sudden her face little up " Morning, how are you ?" she asked.

" I am good thanks what about you ? " I questioned.

" Bored but on the other hand alright. I guess" After saying this a sigh followed. I looked at her and gave her a shake of my head as if to say come out of here and talk to me. I opened the door and waited for the exit of Rosie.

After a few minutes of staring at the door waiting, she came out. " Are you sure your okay ? " I asked once again.

" Not really me and Jack have hit a rough patch in our relationship. I think anyways. " she said. The normal smile she always does was replaced by a frown. I put my arms around her so she knew I was always here for her even if I am not there by her side. I am always going to be in her heart.

After a few minutes, standing in the same position we broke away and went our separate ways. Before I heard back into the kitchen I looked over in the direction of where Rosie went and she mouthed a thank you an had her smile back on her face. I went into the kitchen with a warm and fussy feeling. That is my good thing today, now if I want I can be a bitch to every one else but I won't because I want people to remember me for good stuff not bad stuff.

-A Few Hours Later -

I walked up to the living room door because it's where they all would be watching tv. I opened the old, wooden door to find someone talking to something or someone. After the door opening my head followed after to find everyone sitting on the sofa.

Rosie and Jack must be pissed off with each other because Finn is inbetween them and normally they just sit there ether side an nick the whole sofa but not today. Something was up with them and it must of been bad.

I went from behind the sofa and hugged Rosie from behind. " Bye bye. Remember me okay ? "

" Oh okay." she said in a confused tone. I walked past Finn. I am basically ending my life because of him. Then I got to Jack my eyes were slightly wet but I could take control of them. I hugged Jack from the side and whispered in to his ear. " Look after that girl because you will regret it in the future. Just like I did." I quickly looked at Finn and his perfect look and went back to Jack's ear " remember me ? " I walked straight out of the room with no question or replies. I was going to burst soon and I didn't want them to see it.

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now