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A/N: this is a filler in chapter as I don't want the big thing happening so soon. AllyXX

-Ally's POV -

I woke up with nothing expect from a sore cheek. I walked up to y mirror to see the damage. It was red and purple like someone has attacked my face with pens or food.

I needed to hide it somehow. I was quickly looking through my make up bag. I didn't want no one to see my cheek as they will feel sorry for me and I don't want that. I hate when people do that !!

I was in the middle of finding my conclear. Still. When the door opened. Shit !!! They are going to shout and then I will get sympathy which I didn't want. " Ally. " a deep voice surrounded my room. " what ? " I replied. That's when they walked in to see me looking in the mirror. " Ally ! What's that on your face ? " he said. The person panicking about my face was Jack not Finn as he don't give a fuck about me and my feelings.

" Jack, you don't need to worry. I am fine. " I comforted him.

" No ! Your not fine. "

" Okay. I am never fine but why would that change anything ? Like you give a fuck about me. " I said with harshness. Then it hit me. Did I just hurt Jack ? " Jack, " he walked out my room. I tired running after him by then I remembered I have a random bit of mess on my face so I ran back to my hiding place I make my face better.

After applying like 20 layers of conclear and powder it had finally disappeared. It will probably show back up later on but hopefully I will notice before anyone and sort it out.

- 5 Hours Later -

I was watching Eastenders with Rosie , Jack and the Dick. We had no running conversation until someone looked at me. I could see there facial expressions in the corner of my eye. They have seen something which is awful but what ? " Ally what's that on your cheek ? " they mumbled.

" shit ! " I whispered. I quickly looked at Finn to say it was him. Last night but no one notice the look so I got out of the embarrassing room and went straight back to my safe place.

When I was all quite. I heard heavy footsteps making there way over to my room. Who was it ? What did they want ?

The door made a massive thump which I was guessing that was someone knocking but I ignored it. I faced away from my door and looked outside of my window which I could see if I sat on my bed. I could hear the door opening. They took my silence as a sign that they could come in. Why are people and by people I mean friends so rude ?

" Ally, what's up with you and your mood ? " Jack asked me. Rosie probably was to in to the soap an Finn well that's a whole different story. See what I mean my friends don't care about me! " Ally! " jack shouted as he jumped on my bed which broke me away from my thinking bubble.

" yeah. " my voice sounded soft. Why was it soft and not like my normal voice ? " what's up with you an your mood recently. "

" what do you think it is ? " I asked. He knew.

" Finn but why haven't you spoken much to me or Rosie ? "

" Jack do you really want to know what I am thinking of ? " I asked. Was my brain actually ready to tell him . I guess I told my boyfriend so that means I can tell anyone right ? " Yes. "

" Right, so my head is thinking of ...... Finn. Who knows why ? "

" But you have Patrick. "

" Can't I think about other it's or does my head always have to stick to Patrick. Jack I have seen more of Finn then Patrick in this past month. How am I suppose to not think about him ?" I asked. I didn't want to say the honest truth as I didn't want to hurt him because I am good friend unlike what they are.

" Ally, you can but that's not the actual truth. I know you. " so he remembers that we are friends.

" Well I am not telling you the truth so you might as well go. " I said. I could hear Jack walking out of my room. I didn't make any eye contact with him through that conversation. That's for a first and he didn't care. I think I will do my plan.

- Jack's POV -

Something was up with her. But what ? Finn beating her up ? Love life problems ? She saids she is thinking about Finn but that wasn't the only thing she was thinking about. I could tell.

But I couldn't say no and argue as she will cry or get angry with me and I don't want that. I want to be her friend all her life and be the brother she has never had.

I walked down stairs with a mood which I didn't like. Why was I being so moody ? Nothing has happened to me bad and I just feel depressed. What the fucks up with me ?

I walked into the living room to find one person missing. Rosie. Where has the bitch gone ? Recently she has been a bit pissed off with me. I think it was after the night we went clubbing. I don't remember anything from the night so I put her mood behind me. " where has my Rosie gone ? " I asked Finn. " I don't know. Why would I care ? " he asked.

" Look mate, drop the attitude it's not doing any good to you or your friends. " I spurted out at him. I walked over to the sofa an etched telly so I could pretend I wasn't listening to his mumble I heard bits of his mumble. Some of the bits he was saying was " fuck you. " or " shut up. " he really needs to drop the new stride he has got.

Since he has been going out with Emma, something has happened to him on that relationship an he can't get out of it. It's like a curse, what Emma has put on him.

I out the thought in the back of my head and watched tv with my girlfriend who has something against me. But what ? I want to find out soon enough otherwise something bad could happen between us.

And my brother, on his phone not even caring about anything what was going around him. Did he actually care about other peoples feelings ?

- No body's POV -

So is Finn going to do anything about Ally ? Or is it a dead end for him ad Ally's friendship ? What has Rosie got against Jack ? Will they sort it out ? Will anything bad happen in this 'family' or will it all be a happy ending ?

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now