A/N: This one is a little abusive chapter. Sorry for the abuse in it just added a little spice to the chapter. Ally.X
- Jack's POV -
I woke up with an empty bed. My eyes slowly opened to the brights's room in the world. When my eyes slowly adjusted to the light in my room. My head started pounding. Every pound was more painful then the other. I needed to sort this out. I walked down stairs with a mood following me. I didn't want anything happening today. I just wanted to lay on the sofa or be and sleep.
I walked into the kitchen to find someone cooking something. My eyes and head weren't working together so I basically had to ignore them. The smell was putting me off food even more. " Morning! " Someone sounding jolly but to jolly for my head to ignore.
I quickly grabbed all the pills. I could find in the medical cupboard. I ran the tap and got a cup full of water so I could take about 20 tablets to make my head much better and my eyes to focus. I swallowed all the water and the pills which I set out ready for me to take them.
I slowly paced up the stairs to hear my name being shouted " Jack fucking Harries !! Where the fuck are you ? " I am guessing my hair or head kept on popping out from behind the stairs because the someone who slowly showed that it was Ally. " Oh there is the prick. " She said being her normal self swearing her mouth off to the world. " Excuse me ? " I questioned. Why is she calling me that ? I finally got to the landing to find no one there. Was I imaging her ? Is my drunk mind still in my head ?
- Ally's POV -
I woke up feeling all refreshed and everything but stuff was pushing me. But what ? I walked out of my room to see every door closed like everyone was avoiding me or something. I wanted all the bad things what happened last night and what I am thinking to go away but it's the past which you can never change. Sadly.
For once in the house of Harries and co. It was quiet like noiseless. I took every moment of quietness by reading a bit of the current book I am reading , catch up on my emails and watch some videos, I have missed.
After pampering myself in a lush shower an got changed into my lazy clothes. I walked into the hall way. I know who I still need to speak to. Jack ! I knocked on his bedroom to find he wasn't answering is that because he knows that I need to speak to him or is he still in his lazy pit. I didn't want to open the door so I just walked around the hallway to see if he will appear from his bedroom or the bathroom.
" Jack fucking Harries !! Where the fuck are you ? " I was done waiting. I needed to speak to him. Then I saw his or Finn's brown hair poking out from behind the stairs. " Oh there is the prick. " I hate him for what he did to Rosie. I was walking to the stairs when I got tackled by a strong body and all there body weight flung me into someones room . I heard someone shutting the door like they were trapping me. Who was trapping me ? Was this Jack's plan ? That's when I heard a little voice coming from underneath the door. It wasn't very noticeable but I heard the random tones in the voice " Excuse me ? " My brain puzzled what I could hear to make a sentence what made sense.
" So." The low voice said in the dark. Why was the room dark ? I am guessing the curtains were pulled but there would still be light shinning through. " What do you want ? " I panicked a little bit.
" To chat that's all. " I knew exactly who it was ?
" Finn, why you being a perv and shutting me in your room. Your girlfriend wouldn't be proud. " I said in a girly voice. I was a tiny bit jealous of what Emma has got.
" Don't. " He said.
I was confused " Don't what ? "
" Do that voice. "

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan Fiction
FanficThis is a sequel to it All Started With A Kiss..... It was 8 years ago when we were all friends. Enjoying each others company. Now look where we are. People don't believe stuff goes on after the lens is shut off but it does and you better believe it...