- Finn's POV -
I woke up from my desk. What happened last night ? How am I here and not in my bed ? I slowly rose up to find that my neck hurts. I cursed under my breathe in pain. Hopefully a really warm shower would sort it out otherwise I am stuffed. I paced over to the bathroom. It was quite early so no one should be up so I could dash in the hallway in my nudes to my bedroom. I hope otherwise I have forgotten my clothes so I am fucked.
I let the warm hit my bare, cold back to try and warm me up. The water washed the old, depressed me and replace by a new, happier me. I finally got out of the shower an back into the crisp, cold air. The cold slowly replaced my body heat so I was cold again. Great ! I tried moving my neck but it was still in pain.
I guess, I should try to get Ally out of her room, knowing that she won't come out breaks my heart because she is always going to be like this otherwise. I it hanged in to some comfortable clothes and then went straight up to her door. My usual knock was gone. It has transformed into a deep but slow knock now. I was tired of knocking especially on this door.
I let gravity take my body and make me sit down in the middle of the hallway. I was facing the door when I realised it was slightly open. " Ally ?" I questioned to see if she is on there and awake.
" Finn ? " she asked back but she didn't sound sad like normal. She walked to the door with her heavy feet as I got up the door showed a unknown girl to my eyes. She seemed happier and like she use to be before the car accident. I ran up to her and gave her a warm and big embrace. " I am so happy that you are okay. " I whispered in her hair. I love this girl !!!
- Ally's POV -
I was in Finn'a arms. I felt safe and comfortable in his arms. The door was open, we were revealed to the world but we both didn't care we just wanted to be together. I couldn't help but smile, we were together with no one stopping us like normal. I slowly felt a warm, wet thing slid down my face and stop at my chin. It hanged there for ages until its dropped on the Finn's t-shirt.
" Ayy, why you crying ? " he asked as he held me from a far so he could look at me. I wouldn't let my eyes look in to his perfect ones so I just looked down at the ground. " Ally ? What's wrong ? " he asked as hussein chubby fingers made there way to my chin so I was forced to look into his eyes. His fingers won the battle against my chin do right now, I was looking into his emerald, perfect eyes. I was melting at the stare he was giving me. " I don't know why I am crying Finn. I am still an emotional wreck. " I said.
" Ally, your fine trust me. Just keep swimming as Dory saids. " I was shocked at that he has just quoted finding nemo especially when he saids it is for little people and that's it. I smiled at his cheesiness. I quickly pecked his cheek at how positive he is. We exchanged smiles until he left in some pain. " Finn, what's up with your neck/back ?" I asked.
" Slept awkwardly that's all nothing to worry about. "
" Nooo come here " I extended my no a little longer as I walked to my bed and patted the space next to me, hinting hat he should sit beside me. He came back in with a sigh and an attitude which I didn't like. " Fine " he sighed as he got to the bed. he got on the bed and faced me " face the other way then idiot. " I joked. He slapped my fire arm a he turn around and he mumbled " Bitch." I couldn't help but laugh at him.
I move my legs around his large body so I was comfortable. Then my hands slowly found were the pain was an tried rubbing it out of his system. All i could hear was the pleasure of getting the pain out. I was in my own little bubble when a question burst it. Why isn't he talking to me ? Or being all flirty with me ? " Finn, can ask you a question ? " I asked.
" Sure. " I carried on massaging his neck whist I said this:
" Why are you not being all flirty now that I am single or not speaking to me ? " I asked the dying question why needed an answer.

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan Fiction
FanfictionThis is a sequel to it All Started With A Kiss..... It was 8 years ago when we were all friends. Enjoying each others company. Now look where we are. People don't believe stuff goes on after the lens is shut off but it does and you better believe it...