- Jack's POV -
I walked down to my favourite coffee shop. Starbucks. Even saying the word makes me want all the drinks I can get ! I started listening to un know artist whilst walking to Starbucks were I was going to meet her. I might of gained feelings for her since me and Rosie broke up but that is all and it is also understandable.
After my feet suddenly made their way to Starbucks by their self. I opened the double, glass door which released a lovely, welcoming warm cafe. What was filled with earthy colours and the smell of Caffeine lingered around the room. I slowly moved my head left and right to see my surroundings when I saw a girl around my age. A tiny but smaller than me and her dark brown curly hair brushed past her shoulders. She was beautiful and my soul mate. As I slowly walked up to her, my smile slowly grew large across my face.
" Hello.. " I said as we came closer in to contact.
" Hi " She said quickly and gave me a mean fully embrace which lasted longer then normal which I was fine about. As my arms slowly moved down towards her waist, she pulled away quickly. My face was full of shock, what just happened ? Didn't she want to hug me any more ? " Do you want to get a drink ? " She asked as we just stood in the middle of the pathway for the queue. " Urrmmm.... Yeah sure. " I was still in my own world of questions.
As we slowly got closer to the tills, we read the menu to all the coffees we could have. As it was a fresh yet lovely day outside I went for a latte with lots of milk and cream as you can never go over the top with Starbucks cream. Can you ?
We finally got to the tills, I looked down from the menus after ordering mine and Sara's drinks. The face in front me was familiar. Who was it ? The face stuck in my mind as my brain try to un-jumble the face. I started getting my cash when I heard Sara whisper or mutter to herself. " I will pay. " I looked across me to see her smiling ad looking at the boring old grey floor which was probably full of dust. " Sara, you don't have to. " I declined the offer but she took no for an answer and carried on looking through her purse for the right money.
"Jack Harries ? " A low yet quite voice went into my ear. I looked at the till to see the familiar face giving me the evils for no reason at all. " Urrrmm...Can I help you ? " I asked as I was confused on what he wanted and who he was. My mind was still trying to un-jumble his face as slow as it could be though." Tell your f'owns of yours that shes a slur and that I have anew girlfriend now. " Patrick ! He was trying to rub his face in it. My face slowly dimmed to anger. He has pushed all the right buttons on me. One more and I could explode with hate. " Patrick, you could of picked a better timing could you ! " I shouted which brought attention to Patrick and I. " Oh, look Ally fits right in with this little friendship group of yours. Your all little attention seekers !! " He brought more attention to us now and that all my buttons were pushed. All I was waiting for was to explode with hate and punch the lights out of him. I then remembered that we were in a public place with loads of people watching us now and that I didn't want to cause a scene.
" Ally's in her room because of you . "
" It because of her sluty self ! You don't know why we broke up so don't give me that bullshit. " What was he on about ?
" Excuse me ? You broke up with her so I am not saying bullshit. " The queue was getting longer and angrier but I didn't tell him that it was his fault. " Has she told you the full story like how she got the love bite because it certainly wasn't me. " he smiled with glee. He was so cocky, I am so glad there apart now so he doesn't come around our house. Wait...what did he say about the love bite ? Did he say it wasn't him ? " Oh she didn't tell you that. " He said as my face went blank and was out of come backs. I really wanted to knock him down but that would bring more attention to us and I think we have another attention for one day. " See you think she's a slut now don't you. " Only because I didn't say anything he thinks I agree with him. Pffffttt...please it would take a 100 to forgive him.

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan Fiction
FanfictionThis is a sequel to it All Started With A Kiss..... It was 8 years ago when we were all friends. Enjoying each others company. Now look where we are. People don't believe stuff goes on after the lens is shut off but it does and you better believe it...