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- Finn's POV-

My eyes opened to the dim lighting what filled my room. The bright light from the sun ( Yes, I did say sun and it is England.) hit my white walls so the light bounced in my face. I got up as fast as I could so I wouldn't face the bright sunlight which was burning my eyes to death. I walked out into the fresh hallway which leads me to the food and entertainment.

I looked up at the kitchen clock which was facing me. Telling me something, but what ? I stared at it for a few minutes until someone had tried to open the door with no push. They were still asleep. I guess. I quickly looked at the doorway and acted like nothing happened. The door slowly reviled my twin brother so I just carried on looking at the clock with no care in the world. He knew I was weird, I know if he was bored and had nothing better to do he would just sit where I was sitting and watch the clock.

I finally broke the staring competition with the clock, to see what my brother was doing and to have a chat with him. " Jack, you alright ? " I started this awkward conversation.

" Yeah ? " he questioned. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

" Good good." and with that. I got up from my high chair and walked out of the room to find silence filling the air once again.

I heard footsteps coming from one of the girls room. Who was it ? I quickly ran into my room , do I could hide behind my door and watch to see who was out. I carried on standing at the gap of my door watching the room what had no one in it. They must be coming out soon otherwise they are taking to long. I slowly started giving up on seeing who was out. I don't understand why I did that in the first place. I slummed myself on my desk chair so I could log in to my computer and walk into the world of twitter and tumblr.

I was just minding my own business when I heard some shouting which sounded like it was coming from downstairs. What was happening now ? Who was having a fall out ? I bet you it was Ally who started it off or she is shouting at someone, knowing her.

- Jack's POV -

I woke up in the living room for some weird reason. What happened last night ? I walked into the kitchen to find my brother looking at the boring old clock what sits on the wall. " Jack, you alright? " He asks. But why ? Why was he even talking to me ? I was half asleep and not in the mood to move my mouth for my brother or anyone. " Yeah. " I spoke with lies.

" Good good. " With that he was out the room and I was in a room of peace which I was grateful for. After enjoying a few moments of peace, I got cooking my breakfast. I heard some heavy footsteps across the ceiling so one of the girls have woke up. I cooked some extra bacon and I got 2 plates so they could eat something straight away.

As the bacon was smoking the room up, I was watching the door waiting for the appearance of a girl. I handle slowly started to twist, this was it. The door quickly opened to show it was Ally. " Morning ! " I smiled.

" Morning, how are you on this beautiful day ? " She joked. The beautiful day was more of a shit day. The weather was cloudy but the clouds weren't white they were grey and seemed to be not in the mood. Also the temperature was probably - 10. When I woke up it was actually a beautiful day until I came into the kitchen. The weather knew how I was feeling and felt sorry for me. " Jacky ! " Ally shouted making me jump out of my land of thoughts.

" Yeah ? " I asked still not with life.

" How are you ? "

" I am good. " Once again I lied to Ally. She can't have my problems on top of hers. Then I remembered I didn't ask her how she was " You ? " I quickly added before she gets hurt.

A Stupid Mistake. Jack and Finn Harries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now