Chapter three

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I was walking through the large garden of ours crying with a long dress that touched the ground. Father had done it again,because I told him that he was a monster for killing his own sons.The tears on my face couldn't stop rolling and after a few minutes I found my favorite place.Slowly I sat down onto the soft gras and I leaned my back against the large tree.Slowly I hid my face in my hands and I couldn't stop crying.'Why did he have to kill you ?' I quietly asked myself and I started to sob even more.'Shh,sister don't cry.We still are here with you' someone suddenly said and he sounded just like Damon.Thinking I was going crazy I shoke my head,but all of a sudden someone touched my shoulder.Shocked I jumped up and I looked up to see my brothers Damon and Stefan kneeling in front of me.My eyes got realy wide and I quickly got up from the ground not believing what I saw.Damon let out a soft sigh and put his hand onto my shoulder once again to calm me down.'Katherina did that to you ! ' I stated knowing that she did it.Slowly Stefan nodded his head at me and I got even more shocked.Suddenly Damon just muttered that he was sorry and at first I didn't knew what he was talking about,but in the next second he bit into his arm and he roughly pushed his arm against my mouth,forcing me to drink his blood.Once again tears started to stream down my face and after Damon was done I looked over to my twin brother.'Please,Stefan..Don't do that..' I whispered in fright,but Stefan just came to me and snapped my neck,turning me into a Vampire.

Flasback ends

'Hello,Gen ? I asked you if you wanted to get a drink with me !' Rebekah suddenly says while waving her hand in front of my face.Immediately I get out of my thought and I shortly looke at Rebekah.'Sounds good to me' I say with a fake smile and Rebekah nods at me,knowing that I didn't want to talk right now.For a few more minutes I drive through the town,but then I find a bar called 'Mystic Grill' wich sounds really original to me.Amused I roll my eyes and I park my car right in front of the bar.Rebekah and I get out of my car and we both just start to smirk at each other.Then Rebekah links her arm with mine and we both enter the grill.Suddenly I feel all eyes on me and of course I love the attention,but within a few seconds I lose my interest in all of them.Slowly Rebekah and I go over to the bar and we take a seat at it.Right then the bartender appears in front of us and Rebekah starts to smile shyly at him.He looks at her also smiling and then he just looks at me nodding.Immediately I nod back at him and I look at Rebekah smirking.She just starts to smile even more and asks the bartender if we could have a bourbon.Quickly the boy,whos name is Matt gives us our bourbuns and Rebekah thanks him nicely.With that Matt goes away and I just look at Rebekah with my eyebrow cocked.

Me: Rebekah is in loooooove.Aww,I'm so happy for you :)
Rebekah: Oh shush..That's not right..
Me: Of coursee..I know that look,I already saw it when you loved Marcellus..
Rebekah: Maybe you're right,but just..uggh..Shut up..
Me: Seems like I hit a spot (; Well,what's with these weird boys and dopplebitch ?
Rebekah: Uggh..They're sooo annoying..I just could kill them then and there,but Elijah doesn't allow it..He just wants Elena dead..Haha,I like doppelbitch..Why didn't I think of it ?
Me: Jesus Christ,these two guys are vampires right ? I can't understand how someone could love that chick..Oh,it's because I'm the awsome one of us (;
Rebekah: Yeah,I know..Noo,I don't think so (;

With a bright smirk Rebekah looks at me and I just shake my head at her smiling.Oh,what I wouldn't do for my best friend.For a few more minutes we both just keep on drinking and Rebekah just tells me what happened in the past years in her life. 'Rebekah,you know that dogs aren't allowed in here' a familiar voice suddenly says and I just have a weird feeling in my stomach.This voice is way too familiar and I would reconize it everytime.I'm not ready to see him yet,I'm not even sure if I'm ready to see him ever again.Slowly I take in a deep breath and I keep my pokerface on.With that I get up from my seat and I just look onto the ground.I already feel Rebekah looking at me confused, but I don't care about that.I'm about to walk away,but then I just hear him saying 'Barbie,you really don't have any friends with good manners.I'm Damon Salvatore and you are ?'.Immediately the feeling in my stomach gets even worse,but I guess that I have to face my past for the first time.With that I just look up at my eldest brother while I cross my arms in front of my chest.In the first few seconds everything seems as if it's in slow motion and I just see Damon looking at me in shock.Slowly he walks towards me and he's about to hug me,but I take a step away from him.Then I just see hurt in Damon's eyes,but I don't care about that because he was the one who hurt me. 'Rebekah,that's not an idiot who's in love..That's an idiot who fell for the same bitch a second time' I say while looking over to her and with that I start to walk towards the exit of the grill.When I'm about to exit the grill,I just hear Damon angrily saying 'When will you forgive me ? Forgive us ?',but I don't even dare to turn around.I just hold up both my middle finger and with that I leave the grill.Without looking back I go to my car and I take my seat in it.Slowly I let out a soft sigh,but then something comes into my mind.When Damon and Stefan live here,then they have to live in our house.That means that the doppelgänger lives in our fucking house.Angrily I look up and I start the enginee of my car.Quickly I start to drive towards our house and the whole time I can't stop imagining how I'll kill that bitch.3 minutes later I already arrive at our house and I park my car in front of it.I grab my bag and then I leave my car shutting the door close loudly.With that I go over our house and it still looks the same from the outside.I'm about to open the door and just enter our house but I can't wich makes me really angry.Annoyed I knock against the door harshly and I just put my hand onto my hip.A few minutes later someone opens the door and then I just look into the face of Katherina's doppelgänger.Immediately I just roll my eyes and the doppelgänger just crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Me: They gave you the house ?
Elena: Yes,any problems with that ? Who are you anyways ?
Me: I didn't think it would be possible,but you're worse than Katherina.Let me in,now !
Elena: Why should I let you into my house ? All you're doing is beeing a bitch.Me: For god's sake.Stefan Salvatore,get your arse down here ! This bitch won't let me into our house ! I swear to god,I'll kill her if you aren't here in 5 seconds!
Elena: Haha,why would that be your house ?
Me: Because I am Jacqueline Genevieve Salvatore and I want you to respect me.I already killed a few of your ancestors ! Stefan,hurry up !

Now I'm just yelling really loudly for Stefan,because that Elena bitch doesn't even believe me that I'm a Salvatore.Within a few seconds Stefan speeds to the door and when he sees me,he just stares at me in shock.Not moving a single muscle in my face I glare at Stefan and he just tells Elena to invite me in,but she starts to complain.'Elena,let her in.Now!' he angrily mutters at her and she just rolls her eyes at me.Quietly she invites me in and I step into our house,pushing her away from me.Without saying another word I go over to the stairs,but then all of sudden Stefan appears right in front of me.He looks at me dissapointed, worried and sad at the same time but I keep my pokerface the whole time.'Can we please have a talk ?' he asks me with so much hope,but I just shake my head and look him dead in the eye.'I don't insist in talking to you,Damon or that doppelgänger bitch.I'm only here because of a really good friend and that's it.Good night,Stefan' I spat at him and with that I walk past him up the stairs.Slowly I walk through the halls,but then I'm right in front of my old room.Bad memories start to appear in my mind,but I push them asside and I enter my room.Everything is like it has always been and even tho a lot of bad things happened in here,I'm glad that nothing has changed.I start to unpack my bag and I put all of my clothes into my closet.30 minutes later I'm done with everything and then I pick out a pyjama.With the pyjama in my hands I go into my bathroom and I lock the door behind myself.Then I strip off,take a long shower,put my clothes on,brush my teeth,blow drye my hair,put them into a messy bun and I remove all the make up. After that I simply go back into my room and I lock that door too,because I don't want any visits by my brothers.Slowly I let out a soft sigh and I go over to my bed.I climb into my bed and pull the covers over my body.For a long time I just lie in my bed,starring onto the ceilling and thinking about what happend today but within time I fall into a deep sleep.

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