Chapter twenty-three

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A/N I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time..I just moved and I still don't have wifi and it's driving me insane ! I'm at my best friends' right now and I got the chance to publish another chapter.I hope that you are not too angry with me..

At the next morning I wake up by someone shaking me softly and I just let out a soft groan.Immediately I start to stretch myself and I carefully rub my eyes.After that I open my eyes and I just see the smiling faces of Elena,Damon,Stefan and Rebekah.My eyes get a little bit wide in shock,but I start to grin like a little girl.'Happy 167th birthday!' all of them yell loudly and I start to laugh a little bit.Then I simply get up from my bed and the first person I go to is Stefan.I hug him really tightly and he starts to hug me back.'Happy birthday Stef ! You'll get your gift later' I whisper into his ear and he just nods at me letting out a chuckle.Slowly we both pull back from the hug and then I simply hug all the other ones.They all smile brightly at me and then Rebekah tells us to go downstairs because of the gifts.Immediately we all nod at her and I stretch myself one last time.Then we all leave my room together and we go down the stairs into the kitchen.When we enter the kitchen I see a few gifts seperated from each other.'You may open them' Damon says with a slight smirk and I roll my eyes at him.Stefan and I go together to the gifts and we both start to open them up.In the end I got a pair of shoes from Elena,a necklace from Damon,a book from Stefan and a beautiful green dress from Rebekah.Fastly I hug all of them and then Elena says that we should eat something.We all nod at her and even though Rebekah hates her,I know that she plays it cool because of me.Then we all sit down on the chairs at the table and we all get 3 bloodbags.Slowly I rip the first one open and I start to drink it,but suddenly someone enters the mansion. Immediately we all look over to the door and there is no one else than Klaus.I let out a soft sigh,because of yesterday night and I turn my back to him again.Quietly I can hear Klaus coming closer and of course he has to stop besides me.

Klaus: Are you two coming home ? Genevieve,we need to talk !

Elena: Come on,don't be such an asshole today !
Stefan: Yeah,I don't have the nerves for that today.

Rebekah: Uhhmm,no ? We're going to spend the whole day here !

Damon: I have to say that you're right Rebekah.

Me: You still don't know what today is ?

Klaus: It's the 12th July and it's a normal day like each other day.Now just come with me.I want to talk to you about yesterday.

Elena: You're not beeing serious,are you ?
Stefan: And you call that a caring boyfriend ?
Rebekah: You're such a stupid fucker,Nik !

Damon: Leave our house.Now !

Me: Are you serious,Niklaus ? Maybe I was born on the 12th of July 1849 ? Maybe it's my fucking birthday ? You know what ? Go to hell.Just go away and maybe you can spend time with something that's more important to you than me.

Now I'm just angrily glaring at Klaus and everyone in the room goes quiet.Right then I see Klaus' eyes widening a little bit and his stupid smirk dissapears from his face.Then he just puts his hand onto my shoulder and he's about to pull me into a hug,but then Damon speeds over to us.He pushes Klaus away from me and glares at me.'I think she said that you should leave' he growls at him and Klaus immediately just rolls his eyes at Damon,but he turns around and leaves the house.Slowly I let out a soft sigh and I burry my face into my hands.'Noo,today is not the day to be sad ! Damon,Elena and I planned something for you and Stefan ! You two go into the guestroom next to Damon's room and you'll stay there until we say so!' Rebekah tells me while pulling my hands away from my face.I look up at her and she just has a really bright smile playing on her face.Then she just pulls me into a really tight hug and I start to hug her back.'Thank you,Bekah' I mutter quietly and she just nods at me.With that we both pull back from the hug and I start to smile a little bit at Rebekah.Right then I notice that Stefan is standing right next to me and I start to smile even more. Slowly I get up from my seat and we both leave the kitchen together.We walk up the stairs into the guestroom and the whole time no one of us says a word.Then we just enter the room and there I see a giant cinema screen.Next to the screen is a table with a lot of snacks,drinks and different movies.Immediately I just let out a soft laugh and I shake my head a little bit.'I guess they just want to keep us entertained' Stefan mutters quietly and then we both just start to laugh.Together we go over to the table and we look through the movies.They picked out Romeo and Juliet,The Avengers,Anastasia and Australia.I start to smile even more and I tell Stefan that he can pick the first movie.Then I just grab a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of bourbon.With that I go over to the bed and I sit down on it.Slowly I take a large sip from the bottle and then Stefan sits down next to me.He picked out The Avengers and I start to smile at him.Then we both just start to watch the movie and I make myself comfortable.I just rest my head on Stefan's shoulder and he gently puts his hand onto my knee.

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