Chapter nineteen

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By someone breathing into my neck I wake up at the next morning.Immediately I let out a soft groan and I start to stretch myself a little bit.Gently I rub my eyes and I open them slowly after that.Confused I look around in the room,because I'm not in the libary anymore but then I notice that I'm in Klaus' room.Right then I know that the person behind me is Klaus and I start to smile a little bit.Carefully I try to get out of his grasp without waking him up,but his grip is way too tight.Quietly I let out a sigh and I try to remove his arms from me,but again he doesn't move them.'Where are you going,love?' Klaus suddenly whispers into my ear with his husky morning voice.A slight smile appears on my face,because I always loved it when he was in this mood.'I'm just going to get changed and you should go back to sleep' I answer him quietly and for the first seconds I don't get a respons from Klaus,but then he puts a soft kiss onto my shoulder.With that he lets go of me and I simply get up from the bed.'I love you' I mumble quietly and I immediately see Klaus smiling a little bit.Then I leave his room and I carefully close his door behind me.Immediately I let out a soft sigh and I start to smile again.I go over into my room and I open up the doors of my closet.For a while I look through my closet,but then I get the perfect outfit.Slowly I go into my bathroom and I lock the door behind myself.I strip off,take a long shower,put my clothes on,brush my teeth,blow drye my hair and I let them naturally down.After that I take a look at myself in the mirror and I just start to smile a little bit.Then I leave my bathroom again and I think about what I should do now.Rebekah is probably asleep and I don't want to disturb Klaus.Slowly I let out a soft sigh,but then I get the perfect idea.Immediately I leave my room and I start to go through the long halls.A few seconds later I'm in front of Klaus' room where all his paintings are.With a small smile I enter the room and I just start to grin even more.Quietly I walk over to one of the paintings and then I see that one of the paintings is hidden underneath a large blanket.Confused I go over to the painting and I carefully pull the blanket off of the painting.Right when I see the painting my eyes get really wide and I look at the painting in shock.It's a really beautiful painting of Rebekah,Elijah,Kol,Klaus and I in wich we stand in our old garden.The painting seems so perfect to me and I careully glide my fingers across it.'Beautiful isn't it?' someone suddenly says and I just jump up in pure horror.Fastly I turn around just to see Elijah smirking at me.He's standing right across from me now and I just roll my eyes.'What is it with you Mikaelson's that you always have to scare the shit out of me ? And yes,it is beautiul' I say back to him and he just starts to smirk even more.

Elijah: Missing the old times ?
Me: Yeah..Klaus reminded me of it..
Elijah: Well,tell me about it..
Me: He reminded me that we were engaged for 3 years ..
Elijah: Oh yes,I remember that..It was really beautiful to look at ..You two were really happy back then..
Me: I know..Well,we're not in the 20's anymore,but I'm starting to get happy again...
Elijah: Even after that fight with your brothers ?
Me: Even after that,Lijah..

Slowly I let out a soft sigh and I keep on watching the painting.For a few seconds theres silence,but then I feel Elijah's hand on my shoulder.Immediately I turn around and he pulls me into a tight hug. I simply hug him back and while I hide my face in his shoulder.'It will be alright..I got us all something to eat' Elijah says quietly and I start to smile a little bit.We both pull back from the hug annd I just nod at Elijah.With that we both leave Klaus' room and we start to walk down the stairs into the basement.Confused I look at Elijah but he just smiles at me and then I already hear the voices of Klaus and Rebekah,but then I also hear a few strange voices screaming for help.Immediately I just start to smirk and I look at Elijah.He just starts to smirk back at me and right then we already are in the best room in the basement.There are 4 girls chained up against the wall,but two of them are already dead and the other two look really scared and helpless.Then I notice Klaus and Rebekah standing in the corner of the room and they both are just smirking brightly.I just look at the girl that I choose to eat and I don't wait one more second.Fastly I speed over to the girl and she just looks at me really shocked.'What are you?' she stutters out inbetween sobs and I just laugh quietly.'Your worst nightmare' I hiss back at the girl and then I just crash my fangs into her neck. The girl lets out a loud yelp,but then she gets quiet.The blood is gliding down my throat which stops my hunger and after a few seconds the girl doesn't has any blood in her left.Slowly I pull back and I whipe away the blood around my mouth with the back of my hand.Then I turn around and I see the others all grinning at me.In the next second Klaus is right besides me and he wraps his arm around my waist.Immediately I start to smile and I just look up at him.Suddenly Klaus starts to kiss me and I start to smile even more.Slowly I start to kiss him back and Klaus starts to smile into the kiss too.Gently he puts his hand onto my cheek and I wrap my arms around his torso.'Jesus Christ,get a room!' Rebekah suddenly shouts and I start to giggle.Klaus and I pull back from the kiss,but we don't pay any attention to Rebekah.For a few seconds we both just stare at each other and like always I start to get lost in his eyes.'I have to do something today,but I'll be back at 7pm.Then we'll go somewhere and you have to wear something fancy.See you later,love' Klaus says quietly and with that he speeds out of the room.Confused I look over to Rebekah and Elijah and Elijah is just rolling his eyes while he's still smiling,but Rebekah starts to grin and clap while jumping up and down. Immediately I just start to laugh because of her,but at the same time I start to get excited for tonight.'What about we watch some movies and get you ready at 5 ?' Rebekah asks me and I just nod at her smiling.With that Rebekah and I go out of the room,but then I turn around to Elijah.'What are you going to do,Lijah ? Want to join us?' I ask him nicely,but he just starts to chuckle and shakes his head at me.'Watching movies about love and such things with you isn't something I want to do.Also,I have got to do something important' he tells me and I just nod at him while laughing.Then Rebekah and I walk up the stairs together and she asks me where we should watch the movies.Immediately I tell her that I want to watch them in her room and she nods at me.'I'll get us something and you can already pick out some movies.They're in my room, underneath my TV' Rebekah says to me and I start to smile at her.I simply speed up into her room and I walk over to the large cabinet.Slowly I crouch down and then I open the cabinet.In the cabinet must be around 200 movies and I just start to smile a little bit.For a while I look through the movies,but then I pick out the three movies that I want to watch.'Lady of the night','The Phantom of the opera' and 'The wizard of Oz' are the movies that I pick out and I already put the first movie into the player.Right then Rebekah appears next to me and she just looks at me movies smiling brightly.Then I notice that she has some bloodbags and 2 bottles of Bourbon in her hands.Immediately I just start to smirk at her and then we just sit down on Rebekah's large bed.Rebekah simply hands me 4 bloodbags and one bottle of Bourbon.Already then the movie starts and I start to get really comfortable.Right now we're watching 'the phantom of the opera' and I'm drinking my last bloodbag.'Fuck,it's already 5.30pm ! We have to get you ready!' Rebekah suddenly yelps and I look at her pretty shocked.Fastly I get up from the bed and I look at Rebekah a little bit frustrated.'You pick out my outfit!I'll jump into the shower!' I say to her fastly and with that I speed over to my room.Immediately I run to my closet and I look through it for a few seconds.Then I just pick out the perfect underwear for tonight and then I run into my bathroom.I strip off,take a short shower,put my underwear on, brush my teeth and blow drye my hair.After that I just go back into my room and there I already see Rebekah with a perfect outfit.With a bright grin I put on the clothes and then Rebekah tells me to take my seat on my chair.Immediately I sit down on the chair and then Rebekah speeds over to me with a lot of makeup and stuff for my hair.'Well I can't make you any hotter,but lets do something' she says to me happily and I just laugh at her.Rebekah simply starts to make my hair and put makeup onto my face.65 minutes later she's finally done and she tells me to get a look in the mirror. Slowly I get up from my seat and I go over to my floor lenght mirror.Then I just take a look at myself and I start to smile brightly.Polyvore 'You are the best,Rebekah!' I shriek out loudly and then I just pull her into a really thight hug.Rebekah just starts to laugh and hugs me back.'I only did the details ! You brought the whole package!' she mutters quietly and I start to smile even more. Suddenly I just hear Klaus yelling 'Are you coming,love?' and I just start to smile even more.Fastly Rebekah wishes me a good night and I just kiss her cheek.With that I speed down the stairs and then I'm in front of the door.Slowly I take in a really deep breath and with that I open the door.There I just see Klaus by his car in a suit and his eyes get really wide when he sees me.A shy smile appears on my face and in the next second Klaus is right next to me.Immediately I look up at him,but he's already smiling down at me.'Like always you look gorgeous,Genevieve.Are you ready to go?' he asks me and I just nod at him smiling even more.Then we both just go over to his car and Klaus immediately opens the door for me.Slowly I nod at him and then I take my seat on the passengerseat.Within a few seconds Klaus is already next to me and then he just starts to drive.

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