Chapter eight

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I wake up at the next morning by the bright sunlight shining into my face and I just let out a soft groan.Slowly I start to stretch myself and after that I gently rub my eyes.Carefully I open them and that's when the sunlight hits my eyes.I start to blink for a few seconds and then I see everything alright.For another time I stretch myself and with that I get out of my bed.Then I go over to my closet and I open the doors of it.A soft sigh escapes my mouth and then I decide to do what I should've done days ago.I grab my bag and start to pack all of my clothes into it.30 minutes later I'm finally done and I grab the outfit that I picked out for today.With that I go into my bathroom and I lock the door behind myself.Then I strip off,take a long shower,put my clothes on,brush my teeth,blow drye my hair,let them naturally down and I put on make up. Polyvore After that I look at myself in the mirror and I just let out a soft sigh.I go back into my room and I grab my packed bag.With that I speed out of my room and I speed to the frontdoor.There I put my bag down and then I go into the kitchen where everyone already is like always.Doppelbitch glares at me like always and my brothers just look at me kind of worried.Not paying any attention to my brothers I take a seat at the table and I grab 3 of the bloodbags. Slowly I drink them and after that I see Dopplebitch looking at me.

Me: Didn't I make it clear to you yesterday not to look at me ?

Elena: You're not scary at all and can't I look at you whenever I want to ?

Damon: Could you please stop fighting,just for 5 minutes ?

Stefan: Gen,what happened yesterday with Klaus ?

Me: No you can't.I still don't want to talk about that.Well I'll be at the grill and don't even dare to piss me off there too.

With that I get up from my seat and everyone just stares at me in disbelieve.Then I simply go out of the kitchen and I grab my bag at the door.I leave the mansion with no facial expression and I go over to my car.Fastly I sit down in my car and I put my bag onto the passengerseat. Slowly I turn on the enginee and I take one last look at the mansion,because I'm damn sure that I'll never take a step into the mansion again.With that I start to drive and I make myself onto the way to the grill.The whole time I'm just listening to randome music on the radio,but I don't feel like singing along.After a few minutes I already arrive at the grill and I park my car in front of it.Slowly I get out of my car and I lock the door.I go into the grill to see only a few people,but in the corner of the room I see Isaac. Immediately I think of just going away again,but I won't let him win this time.I take a seat at a table far away from Isaac and that's when the guy called Matt comes over to me.He just smiles nicely at me and I ask him for a Bourbon.Within minutes Matt gives me my Bourbon and I nod at him greatfull.Slowly I take a sip from the Bourbon and I think back to the day where Isaac and I got from friends to enemies.

Flashback 1920

Isaac and I were sitting in a bar in New York where we met up for a few drinks.We both met 1 year befor that day and he was a really good friend of mine.To be honest,he acted strangly in the last time and I started to get curious,but I guess it was because of Klaus.He always seemed to jealous and angry whenever Klaus was with me,so I decided not to tell him about me and Klaus beeing in a realitionship.The whole night we were laughing and we had a lot of fun but after a while Isaac came closer to me.

Isaac: Jacqueline,dear..I have to tell you something.

Me: Okay,what is it Isaac ? I hope it's not something too bad..

Isaac: No it's not bad,well...I don't know..I'll just say it,I love you ..

Me: Woaah,what ?

Isaac: I know it's too fast for you,but we both got so close in the last year and we did so many things together..

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