Lean On-Ross Imagine

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Omg...okay...I'm really sorry about the delay of imagines! I've been so so busy lately, but I'll have more time very soon! So if you want to request something, please do but you may have to wait a week, and I hope you understand!

Requested by @rossybear17 sorry for the delay but I hope you like it!

You were living a dream, well kind of anyway, seeing as you were best friends with Ross Lynch. You two were attached at the hip, and you even had some people shipping you together, but you had your own love life, but loved having a best friend like Ross. 

You had just gotten a horrible phone call and you laid in your bed hopeless and heartbroken. In times like this, you knew just who to call.

"Hello?" Ross picked up his phone.

"Hey, can you come over? It's not really an emergency,  but I just need someone to talk to."

"Of course! Give me 20 minutes okay?" He hung up the phone and got into his car wondering what the emergency was, and if that you were okay.

Before you knew it, you heard a knock at your door and you went to answer it, seeing Ross standing there with a worried look on his face. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" Ross asked as you guys sat down in the living room

"He...he broke up with me." You said. Your boyfriend had broken up with you, after finding another girl and he ended it with a phone call, one of the worst ways to end a relationship.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Ross said as he put his arms around you. The contact with Ross brought the tears you were holding back out of you and you started to cry.

"I'm not good enough for anyone am I?" You asked in between sobs.

"Don't ever say that! That guy was such a dumb ass, leaving a girl like you. Did he mention why?" He asked.

"He met someone else, see? I'm not good enough, he just got bored with me and went on to someone else, not even caring!" You cried even harder.

"I really want to go kick his ass, no one does that to my best friend, you deserve so much better. He didn't deserve you anyway." Ross hugged you a little tighter.

"But.." He cut you off. 

"You don't deserve him, you deserve someone who could give you the world, and he couldn't do that. He will probably get bored with her, and then push her aside, and even if he went back to you, you can do so much better. He'll learn he screwed up, but you're too wonderful for a jack ass like him." Ross let go of you and looked you in the eyes.

"Do you really mean that?" You asked while you were trying to dry your eyes.

"I mean that with everything in me. You're my best friend, you'll find the boy of your dreams. He'll love you to death, and make you feel loved everyday."

"Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you Ross." It was your turn to give him a hug. He was always able to make you feel better, and you knew you'll always be able to count on him.

"And you never know, the guy of your dreams could be anywhere you look! Even in the same room as you."

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