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Eights' POV

I watched Tekara get up and walk away from the table.

"That guy is cool." Mouse said to us.

"He is." I said. "He's not like the other imperials."

"It was a little scary at first but, we didn't get chocked like Slap." Bucket said and I gave him a look.

"It's true though." Circuits said.

I rolled my eyes. "He's been though a lot."

"Ohhh are you all buddy buddy now." Vent joked.

"No, he's just a nice guy." I said.

"Nice guy, I think he's a sith." Circuits said.

"Ummmm." I started.

"I think we need to go." Mouse piped up.

"He's right lets go." I said and got up an threw my trash away and started to walk out.

"We're coming Eights." Bucket said and he got up as the others followed.

"Is this the first time you have seen the whole fleet?" I asked Mouse.

"Yep, and I'm pretty nervous." He said.

"Just follow orders and you'll have nothing to be nervous about." Circuits said and I nodded in agreement.

We all walked to report to our stations, I was on patrol with Bucket and Circuits, I waved goodbye to Vent and Mouse as they went to guard the cell bay.

The three of us walked in silence patrolling around the ship. Then I heard a comm station go off near me. The three of us looked back and fourth at each other and Bucket pushed me to the station and I picked it up.

I heard some droid grumbling from the other side of the comm.

"Chopper what are you doing? You're going to get me in trouble." I told the droid.

He beeped again.

"No I'm not doing that and how did you even hack an imperial star destroyer?" I asked. "Actually I don't want to know just get off."

He grumbled again.

"CHOPPER! Stop that is rude on so many different levels." I said as my friends looked at me oddly.

"I got to go just hang up, no you hang up first, great this is sounding so weird." I said and shook my head and cut the connection.

"Was that the droid you had earlier?" Circuits asked.

"Yep." I said and he laughed.

"The droid hacked a star destroyer to talk to you." Bucket said.

"Apparently." I said.

"Let's get back to work." Circuits said and we continued to patrol. We walked around the ship and off course I got a comm call on my comm.

"GN-9888 report to the bridge." A voice said and my friends looked at me.

"Ohhhhh Eights is in trouble." Circuits joked.

"Sith." I mumbled under my breath. "Coming." I commed.

"Good luck." Bucket said and I left them and walked to the bridge. I walked in and saw Frazer and Tekara discussing and the discussion stopped and then they faced me.

"GN-9888 Tekara would like you to accompany him as a guard to Vader's star destroyer." Frazer said and I gulped. What have I gotten into this time? And Tekara cracked a smile as if he read my thought.

"Yes sir." I said and stood at attention by them as they continued to discuss.

Why of all the imperials in this galaxy, why did Tekara chose me?  This is going to be tense I can only hope I won't get killed.

The two of them talked and then Frazer faced me again.

"I've heard great things of you GN-9888, keep it up." Frazer said and walked away from the two of us, he nodded at Tekara.

"Ready to go?" Tekara asked me.

No! "Yes sir." I said and he laughed.

"Sorry for pulling you into this." He whispered and started to walk out of the bridge and I followed. "We'll be taking my command ship to my Master's star destroyer."

"Good." I said and wondered if I should tell him about Chopper.

"What about Chopper?" He asked and I jumped.

"Please stop reading my thoughts." I said and rubbed my temples.

"Sorry, it just comes so natural now." He said and frowned.

"I guess it would get annoying." I said.

"It does but I can normally block it out." He said.

"Well Chopper kind of hacked the ship to send me a comm." I said.

"We did have a break earlier, what did he say?" He said.

"Ummmm.....he kind of asked me to join them and to get him a waffle and some words I'll rather not repeat." I said.

"Chopper." He said and laughed. "That is Chopper alright." And he got a faraway look in his eyes as if remembering something. "Come on." He said, snapping out of it and we began to walk to his ship, I wanted to say something but in the Empire you have to get used to silence.

We reached the ship and I thought I saw Tekara tense up as if regretting a decision, he stopped for a moment and then he got on to the ship and I followed, I was surprised to see no pilot in the cockpit and see Tekara sit down in the pilot's seat.

"You are welcome to sit here." He sat and pointed to the copilot seat and I sat down there.

Wow, he's a pilot I didn't think they would teach him that.

"I learned that before I came and they just "refreshed my memory."" He said.

"Ok either you need to stop ding that or I just have to get used to it." I said.

"Sorry, it's just so easy to do when only one person is still you." He said.

"I'll try to get used to it." I said.

He started up the ship and flew out of the bay. I've always wanted to be a pilot. I thought and saw Tekara about to say something and shot him a looked, I immediately felt scared and he laughed.

"Trust me you don't want to fly in the Empire the ties have no shields and they are easy to shot down." He said.

We flew though space to Vader's star destroyer across the sea of ships.

"Ready?" He asked as we landed in the bay.

Nope. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said he locked the ship to the ground and opened the door.

I hope I don't die.

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