A Shadow of Hope

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Sabine's POV

It's been three years since I saw Ezra. Wow. I thought. And why Eights just decided to join the rebellion I don't know, we've caught snippets of his conversations and that has proved very helpful throughout the years. I hope this isn't a trap but what else can we do?

I looked next to Zeb in the copilot's seat and smiled. We were on yet another supply run, that's basically all I have done for three years. We miss Hera but we know she's working hard and is probably going crazy to the fact she can't fly much.

"Set course for Lothal Chopper, and no I am not making waffles for him." I said.

He beeped to argue.

"Save it Chop." Zeb said as we jumped into hyperspace.

"I hope we make it before they do." I said. "Or that would be chaotic."

"Let's hope." Zeb said as we sat back to relax for the fly.

Chopper beeped some more.

"Fine go make Eights a waffle yourself." I said and Zeb laughed.

Chopper rolled off to the kitchen and we heard some banging.

"Just hurry up we need you to help us when we exit hyperspace." Zeb yelled to the back.

We heard Chopper grumble some more.

"We are not rushing perfection Chop." I said and we both laughed.

We sat in silence as I heard the panel beep informing us we are about to exit hyperspace.

"Chopper come on we need you." I yelled and Chopper rolled out with a plate of waffles and plugged up to the ship.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of the plate and prepared to exit hyperspace.

We exited hyperspace and to my relief the Empire wasn't there yet.

I was surprised at how nostalgic I was at the sight of Lothal. I haven't been here in a long time. Of all the planets why is the Empire coming to Lothal, probably to remind the people that just cause the blockade left they are still under their power.

I eased the ship closer to the planet and waited for the star destroyer to jump out of hyperspace at us.

There it is. I thought as Tekara's star destroyer jumped out of hyperspace. Let's hope for the best.

Me and Zeb sat there for a few moments until we saw a little escape pod jettisoned from the ship. I eased around to it as we hoped the star destroyer won't notice us. I saw the escape pod lock onto our ship.

"Punch it Zeb." I told him, not wanting to be there a second longer.

"Sure thing Sabine." He said and we jumped into hyperspace away from Lothal and the Empire once again.

"Where should we go, we can't go back to the base until we report this." I asked him.

"Hmmm let's head to Takodana, as far as I know the Empire presence isn't very strong and if we stay in the atmosphere we shouldn't cause to much attention." Zeb said.

"Takodana it is then." I said and changed the hyperspace coordinates to the green planet.

"I'll go check on our new 'recruit'." Zeb said and I laughed.

"And yes you too Chopper go give him some waffles." I told the beeping droid and he rolled off.

"Wow how many more people want to deflect." I said thinking of my last two missions in which I successfully got us more deflectors.

I head the pod door open from the back and I heard Zeb gasp and Chopper beep.

"Hey." I could make out Eights awkwardly saying.

"Sabine you might not want to come back here." Zeb said as I stood up.

"Why not?" I asked as I walked to the escape pod.

I heard Zeb open his mouth to answer but by then I rounded the corner and saw the two of them one unconscious and the other one looking extremely awkward.

"Ezra." I whispered as I got closer.

"Now why in the force did you kidnap Tekara?" Zeb asked.

"Ummm I wanted to help him, I wanted to help you." He said.

"You're not just a stormtrooper anymore." Zeb said, examining his uniform. "You're a Captain now. I'm just saying that causes for questioning."

"I'm willing to tell what I have to." Eights told us.

"That will make it a lot easier then." Zeb said. "Can you help me with your hostage over here?" He asked Eights as he picked up Tekara.

"I'll get a bed ready." I said and ran to the Zeb's room. Even though he was still our friend we had to tie him up somehow. I found some newer cargo straps and fastened them around the bottom bunk as Zeb walked in carrying Tekara and Eights following behind. He sat the unconscious Tekara on the bed and strapped him up tight.

"I guess we wait till he wakes up." I said and I heard the beep that we are coming out if hyperspace. "Zeb watch him and Chopper come on."

I ran to the cockpit and I got us out if hyperspace and I was met with the beautiful green planet of Takodana. I heard Zeb and Eights walk up behind me.

"I've never seen so much green in the entire galaxy." Eights said and I laughed.

"I guess the Empire is all gray, black and darker shades of gray and black." I said.

"How can you get a darker shade of black?" Zeb asked.

"I'm pretty sure the Empire figured that out." I said and the both laughed. "I'll just take the Ghost into orbit and I'll contact Hera and yes Chopper you and Eights can have a waffle party."

Chopper beeped so,e and rolled back to the kitchen.

"I guess I'm going that way." Eights said and followed Chopper, and Zeb started to follow.

"Oh no, you are not getting out of talking to Hera that easily." I said and grabbed his shoulder.

"Someone needs to watch Eights." Zeb argued.

"I think Chopper is more than qualified to do that." I said and he nodded.

"You're not wrong." Zeb said and I laughed.

"Ok." I said and called Hera, in a few moments she appeared.

"Hey Hera." Zeb said.

"Zeb, Sabine what did you do this time?" She asked.

"Ummmmm." I said.

"Talk." She said.

"We may have picked up a new recruit." Zeb said.

"That's great but what's the catch?" She asked.

"The recruit kind of kidnapped Tekara and he's on our ship now." I said.

"What?!" She yelled. "You kidnapped Tekara."

"Yep, I guess we're taking prisoners now." I said.

"Ok, ok, I'll have a command ship met you guys, we can't risk him being at our base or finding it." She said.

"Don't worry I'll have Chopper wipe it." I said.

"You better." She said.

"I'll send you our coordinates." I said and sent her our location.

"I'll be on my way, just stay safe." She said and cut the connection.

"Chopper come here." I yelled to the back and an angry Chopper rolled out with Eights.

"I'll watch Eights." Zeb said and pushed Eights out if the cockpit to the main room.

"Can you wipe the base coordinates from the ship, Chop?" I asked him and he beeped a reply and plugged up.

"Thanks." I said as I walked to the back, I waved to Zeb and then I walked into Zeb's room and sat down on the top bunk over Tekara. "I'll see you soon." I told the unconscious body of my old friend.

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