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"Have you got the money?" asks Troy Baxter. "It's all there. The whole 3 million dollars you desire. I will have my assistant over in 5 minutes to count the money in front of you and go over the final details. He will be bringing the last of the paperwork for you to sign," replied Tyler. "Excellent, and don't forget my wife can not find out about this." "Don't worry Troy, your step daughter will be taken by us to make it look like a kidnapping. My men are smart. No trace of us will be left behind and it will be impossible for this to be traced back to us. Wait here for my main assistant. I'll leave the money with you." Tyler leaves a black briefcase filled with 3 million dollars cash at Troy's feet as he turns and walks away.

Tyler's main assistant walks up to Troy with no emotion saying nothing at all. "And you must be Jackson," says Troy. Jackson nods and grunts at him looking at the briefcase."Your late." Jackson takes off his sunglasses and looks Troy in the eyes. He grunts again handing him a folder. "I'm here with the paperwork. Read over it and ask me any questions you have about it. I'll be over here making a phone call to my boss." Jackson slides his glasses back over his eyes and turns down the dark alley way. He begins to walk, leaving Troy with the paper work and a pen. *Jackson and Tyler's phone call* "Did you leave him with the paperwork?" asks Tyler. "Yes boss he is going through it now," replied Jackson. "Perfect, don't forget the plan. As soon as he signs those papers and hands them to you, call in the men I sent and they will get rid of him". "Why must we kill him boss?" "He witnessed some of our men shoot those people at the wedding last month. He isn't aware that we are those people, but he did go to the coppers about us and we can't have risks like him roaming around." "Got it boss." Jackson hangs up the phone as he sees Troy walking towards him. "Please explain this section to me," says Troy. "That section is talking about the fact that we will have full control over the girl. If we tell her to do something, she must do it. If she is told to cook a meal, she will do so. If she is told to sleep with someone, she will do it. Herself and her body belongs to us as soon as you sign those papers. Understand?" "Yes, I understand," replied Troy as he signs the bottom of the last paper. Troy hands the papers over and Jackson studied them carefully, making sure every section has been signed. He gives the all clear and calls the men out of hiding. Three men trap him against the wall so he has no where to run. "What, what's going on? I don't understand," says Troy in a concerned voice as he is forced to back up against the wall. "Boss?" says one of the men. "I have decided to do the deed myself. Keep him where he is." replies Tyler. "As you wish sir."
"DEED? WHAT DEED?! YOUR NOT GOING TO KILL ME ARE YOU?!" screams Troy. "Oh indeed I am". **BANG BANG BANG** Tyler fired three bullets. One to his head, one to his heart and one to his stomach. Troy died instantly from shock. "So what now boss? What do we do with the money?" asks one of the men. "Give it to charity or something I don't mind. Actually, share it between yourselves. You have done me good once again boys." The men smile and look at each other pleased.

"Now we have to get the girl."

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my very first novel! I hope you enjoyed it! I understand it was very short but it's pretty much just giving you some back story on what kind of person Tyler is and how Lola became theirs, etc...

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 when Tyler and his men take Lola from her own home while while she has no idea what's going on.

Xoxo Nicole

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