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                                  ~CHAPTER 2~

Tyler and his men on duty peer through Lola Baxter's bedroom window. "Should we be watching this boss?" asks Jackson. "Of course, she belongs to us now. Her step-father signed her over so we can do what ever we want," replies Tyler. The men watch Lola as she gets out of her towel and changes into her pyjamas. "You picked a good one boss," says one of the men with a cheeky grin. "Yeah boss she's a stunner. Look at that body!" says one of the other men. "And she's all yours Boss, good job." Tyler looks at his watch as he is still feeling proud of himself for getting such a beautiful girl. "It's getting late boys," he says, "she has to be falling asleep soon. If she doesn't fall asleep soon we will just have to bust in through the window and take her." "Is that safe boss?" asks one of his men. "Of course," he replies, "she's home alone. Her mum is out looking for Troy and her little sister is staying at a friends house." Suddenly the lights go out in Lola's room. The men look at each other nodding and Tyler gives the okay sign. It's go time. The men leave Jackson and Tyler behind the hedge while they gather around her window. The curtains are closed so they aren't able to see her. One of the men go in the house through the chimney and stand outside her bedroom door in case she decides to run out. Tyler presses a button and it sends a small vibration into to men's hands telling them that everything is secure and it's time to play out the plan. The men carefully unscrew the fly screen to Lola's bedroom window. Once that was off there was nothing in their way. Lola had left the window open to keep a breeze in her room. After all it is mid summer...

One by one the men climb in through the window. Once all four men are in, Jackson runs towards the window with Tyler not far behind. Jackson waits for Tyler's *okay* and then he climbs in, leaving Tyler outside. "What's taking them so long?" Tyler grunts to Jackson. "He's about to inject her now," Jackson whispers to Tyler from inside. Before one of the men can inject her with the fluid that will keep her asleep, she wakes up and screams, "WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" Lola stands up on her bed and kicks one of the men in the head. He falls to the ground leaving her an open runway to the door. She flings it open and runs out. But she doesn't get far when she is grabbed by the man that was guarding the door. "LET GO OF ME!" she screams and she's trying to wriggle out of his tight grip. He's holding her extremely tight. "OUCH THAT HURTS!" she yells to him. "Sorry darlin' but you aren't cooperating," he says back with a wink. "LET ME GO RIGHT NOW YOU FILTHY MUTT" she yells angrily. "You have a mouthy one boss," laughs Jackson. "Oh shut up Jackson," Tyler grunts. "NOW!" shouts the man holding Lola. All of a slugger she feels a small stabbing pain in her arm and she felt light headed. Her body relaxed and so did the mans grip on her. She fell to the floor fast asleep. "Congratulations men," says Tyler relieved. The men chuckle between themselves all agreeing she's going to be hard to control when they take her home.

Tyler takes it soon himself to carry her to the car. Lola isn't very heavy. She is only about 5"4' and has a petite, toned figure. So it was no problem for Tyler's biceps the carry her the distance. He looks down at her as they are walking to the car. He examines her long, brown, wavy hair hanging to the ground. Is shines from the light of the bright full moon. She has olive skin with a few freckles spread across her nose and cheeks. Her lips are thick and soft-looking. 'She's beautiful', Tyler thinks to himself. 'She looks so peaceful. Why do I have the urge to kiss her. Something about the way she tried to protect herself was attractive. Stop thinking about her that way. Stop being ridiculous. You own her.'

"Boss. Boss!" says Jackson sounding concerned. "Yea what," Tyler replies. "Done day dreaming?" he asks with a wink and slight smirk in his face. Tyler grunts as they continue walking to the car. "What did you want Jackson?" he says rolling his eyes. "Just wanted to ask you what we will do with her when we get home." "I will put her in her bed in her room. I will need one man on her door at all times while she is in there until she can be trusted to not disobey me and try to run away." replies Tyler. "You got it boss."

As they approach the car they see a police car speeding towards them with their lights flashing the street up Red and Blue. "Feds," grunts Tyler, "I'LL GET HER IN THE CAR. EVERYONE ELSE GET YOURSELF IN. JACKSON YOU DRIVE ILL JUMP IN THE BACK WITH HER." "ON IT BOSS!" The men all yell. They act fast, just making it before the cops get to them. They speed off as the police car chase after them. They go through red stop lights and drive on the wrong side of the road. It's late, there aren't any other people on the road. As They speed over a bridge, Tyler opens the back of the car and shoots at the tyres on the police car. **BANG BANG** the front left tyre gets shot twice and the driver of the police car looses control of the vehicle. They swerve unintentionally and flip over the rails falling 30 ft into the river. Tyler and his men sigh in relief as they keep driving on. "Good job Jackson," says Tyler from the back. "Thanks Boss."
'Time to get Lola home'


Chapter 2 was made a lot longer than the first one for you all :) I think I will make each chapter about 1000 words. I hope you are all enjoying my story and I'll see you again in chapter 3 where we find out how Lola adjusts to her new home and does she start crushing on somebody?!

Xoxo Nicole

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