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                                UNDER ATTACK

(Two weeks after Lola moved into the mansion)
Lola wakes up bright and early. A lot earlier than what she needs to wake up. "Ahh the weekend," she says with a smile, "I really needed a day off." She decides to go downstairs to have some breakfast. In the kitchen, she is greeted by Tyler. "Morning Lola, how did you sleep?" "Very well thankyou," replies Lola. "I'm glad to hear. I've made you bacon and eggs on toast with a side of fruit salad. It's waiting for you in the dining room. I'll be there to join you once I've finished making this tea," explains Tyler. "Thank you so much Ty. I'm starving!" Tyler nods and gives a smile as Lola turns and walks to the dining room.

When Lola opens the dining room doors, she is greeted by the amazing aroma of her awaited breakfast. She stands at the open doors with her eyes closed inhaling the delicious mouth watering scent. "Does smell good doesn't it," Tyler says as he stands next to her with a chuckle. Lola blushes. "Here's your tea, take a seat. We must eat." Lola nods and smiles as she begins walking to the chair. She sits and examines the breakfast. "Thank you Tyler it looks amazing!"
"Your welcome, dig in!" he replies with a smile. 'She looks beautiful this morning as she does every morning,' Tyler thinks to himself. He starts to eat his breakfast. "So what are you plans today Lola?" "I think I've decided to go take a quick nap after breakfast and then have a walk in the garden," replies Lola. "Excellent idea!" replies Tyler. "You do look very tired still. Anyway, I might have to join you." Lola stares at him puzzled. "Oh for the walk in the garden I mean!" Tyler replies embarrassed. Lola giggles as she sips her tea. She then moves on to her fruit salad. She reaches for the cream in the middle of the table. So does Tyler. Their fingers slightly touch, but they both pull away. "You first," says Tyler in a hurry as he tries to forget what just happened. "Thank you," replies Lola playing along. She pours some cream onto her fruit salad. 'This looks delicious,' she thinks to herself. She begins to eat.

When they finish breakfast Tyler offers to wash up while she heads back to bed. She nods and smiles, "Thank you," she says shyly. "Breakfast was delicious as always." Tyler smiles as he looks to the ground blushing. Lola giggles and heads up to her room. She is greeted by Lincoln on the stairs. She has learnt to watch where she is going now when she walks up and down the staircases. She doesn't want to repeat what happened on her first day. "Good morning miss Lola," Lincoln says with a polite smile. "Morning Lincoln," she replies. "Have you seen Tyler?" he asks. "Yes he is downstairs washing up after breakfast," she replies. "Okay thank you. Have a good day miss Lola." "Thanks Lincoln, you too."
'Tyler? Doing dishes. He never does the washing up or any form or cleaning. Why is he doing it for this girl,' Lincoln wonders to himself. 'He better not be trying anything.'

(A few hours Later)
Lola is awoken by the sound of gunshots. **BANG BANG** One gun shot after the other. She hears men yelling and the sound of loud footsteps running outside her bedroom door. She doesn't dare move. She couldn't even if she wanted to, the sounds of the shots scared her still. She has never heard real gunshots before. All of a sudden she jumps back as her bedroom door is flung open. Parker and Jackson run in to her. "Follow us now and don't say a word. Be quiet," says Parker in a hurry. "What's going on?!" she screams. "We are under attack. Stay close," says Jackson calmly. Lola could tell he wasn't very calm though. She doesn't hesitate to get out of bed and follow the men after hearing another set of gunshots. **BANG BANG BANG** Jackson takes her hand as Parker runs taking the lead. They don't get far when a deep voice yells "GET DOWN."
Lola couldn't tell who had said it as the halls were filled with thick smoke. The halls smelt of fire and it was extremely hard to breath. Parker and Jackson stopped running as they both ducked down to the floor. The strength of Jackson falling pulled Lola down too. They all lay still on the floor. Lola was struggling to breathe. Parker ripped off his black coat and stuffed it into her face covering her nose and mouth. Lola lifted her hand as she felt a wet, thick, liquid-type substance between her fingers. She took a look at her her hand and screamed in shock as she saw blood covering the palm of her hand. "BLOOD! BLOOD ON MY HAND!" she shouts as Jackson begins examining her carefully. She could hear the gunshots getting closer and she swore she could feel the air beneath the bullets as they shot across the hall above them. "It's not your blood. Your okay!" shouts Jackson. Lola takes a look at the ground where her hand was and there is a pool of blood. "She becomes lightheaded and dizzy as she realises the man a few feet away from her laying lifeless. His eyes are wide open and he is still bleeding out. **BANG BANG** "JACKSON!" she screams. "LOLA?" he yells back at her. No answer. "LOLA!" Jackson screams! "What's happened?! What can you see?" yells Parker to Jackson. "I THINK SHE HAS BEEN SHOT! SHE ISN'T MOVING AND HER BODY LOOKS LIFELESS. HER EYES ARE CLOSED!"
"WE HAVE TO GET HER OUT OF HERE!" screams Parker. Parker agrees and on Jacksons count, they pick her up and run. "WHERE DO WE GO?!" yells Parker above the sound of gunshots. "There is only one safe place we can take her," he replies anxiously. "No Jackson we can't. Boss will kill us."
"He won't," replies Jackson, "it's the safest place. Eleven."

Thanks for reading Chapter 5 everyone xo I hope you enjoyed it !
I'll see you next time in Chapter 6!!

What's going on in the mansion?!
Is Lola dead?!
Who was the dead man laying next to her?!

Find out next time in chapter 6 of 'Nineteen'

Xoxo Nicole

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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