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                                 ~CHAPTER 3~

"Ughhh, where am I? My head hurts so much," moans Lola as she wakes up from her deep sleep. "Where on earth am I?! This isn't my room! This isn't my bed! What happened to me last night I don't remember anything at all." Lola tries to get out of bed but as soon as she stands up her knees become wobbly and weak and she falls to the ground. "MY LEGS!" she screams! All of a sudden the bedroom door swings open and she crawls back as far as she can. One of Tyler's men from last night were there. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" she cries. "My name is Lincoln and don't worry darling. You are in good hands here. We will all take care of you. This is your new home. Come with me while I show you around and you can meet the people who live here." "My new home?! This can't be my new home. I want to go home to my mum and sister and my step-dad!" cries Lola. "Your step-father you say?"
"Yes!" yells Lola. "I wouldn't want to go back to him if I were you. He is the reason you are here," explains Lincoln. "What are you talking about?" asks Lola. "Your step-father sold you to Tyler for 3 million dollars. You will serve Tyler as his servant and address to his every need." "Who the hell is Tyler?!" she yells concerned. "Don't worry I will introduce you to him now. Get dressed into this and call out for me when your done." Lincoln replies as he hands her a grey mini skirt and a white cottoned button up shirt. "I will not do anything you say until you tell me what's going on!" cries Lola. "Look I'm only being nice. I've given you new fresh clean clothes and introduced myself and I have told you everything you need to know. Now please cooperate with me. I don't want to have to bring Tyler in to deal with this. He won't be happy. He is a busy man!" explains Lincoln. "Well you might have to go bring this so called Tyler guy in because I will not do anything any of you people say and that is that!" she says angrily with tears in her eyes. "Have it your way then." Lincoln leaves the room with nothing more to say. Lola remains where she fell holding the pile of clothes given to her by Lincoln. "I'm scared. What if Tyler hurts me," she whispers to herself. "I will not hurt you." Says a deep voice from across the room. "My name is Tyler and you must b-"
"I'm Lola." she cuts in. "I know who you are. Your step father told me allot about you. He sold you to me. I paid him a large sum of money. But anyway. Besides the point. As I was saying, my name is Tyler. I'm 23 years old. I own this penthouse mansion and this is your room. You will do what you were told here and stay out of trouble. You will obey my rules and do as I say. In return you will get fed 3 meals a day, a roof over your head and unlimited amounts of clothes and makeup and whatever else you ladies like spending money on. I'm a wealthy man Lola. I can get you whatever you need."
"I don't want anything you have to offer! I want to go home to my family and I do not want to have anything to do with this!" yells Lola angrily. "Lola please." Tyler walks over to her slowly and lends out a hand. She didn't accept it. He pulls his hand away frowning. He looks hurt as he leans in closer. As he bends over, sunlight shines on his face. She sees his gorgeous blue eyes staring into hers. His face is defined. He has tan skin and a slim nose. His hair is blonde and slick back with hair gel. She couldn't help but notice his lips as they got close to her. He put his lips to her ear. "Please darling," he whispered. ALola felt shivers all through her body as his lips ever so softly touched her ear. His breath was warm on her neck. He backed away slowly and she starred into his eyes. He stared back into hers. He gave a soft smile and whispered "please dress into this. It might not be your style but it's uniform. I'll be waiting on the other side of the door for you. Come out when you ready sweetheart." Tyler stood up slow and walked out of the room. Lola stayed put in her spot on the floor until he closed the door behind himself. She didn't want to do what he said but she didn't want to let him down. Lola felt something she has never felt before but she couldn't figure out what it was. 'Was it love at first sight?' she wondered to herself. He has eyes of an angel. "I don't want to keep him waiting." She whispered to herself. Lola didn't want to fulfil his requests but something about him makes her want to do everything and anything she can for this man.

Lola gets dressed into the clothes that Lincoln set for her. She doesn't like it at all. But she remembers what Tyler said.
*it may not be your style, but it's uniform*
"I guess it's okay. I'll get used to it eventually," she says to herself as she examines her new outfit in the mirror. "I guess I better go back to Tyler", she whispered uncertainly. "Besides, going back to Tyler won't be that bad. I'd like to spend more time around if I can help it."

Lola walks to the door. Right before she touched the door handle to open it, she finds the door opening for her. On the other side, Tyler had already opened the door. He looked into her eyes and then examined her outfit. "You look beautiful," he says still gazing at her. Lola blushed. She wanted to kiss him so badly. He smiled and encouraged her to come down for breakfast as he reached out a hand. She didn't hesitant to take it but as soon as her fingers touched his, she felt a connection. She leaned in towards him staring into his beautiful, big, blue eyes. He stared into hers. Their lips softly touched and Lola felt shivers down her spine. Tyler quickly realised what was happening and he pushed her away. "Lola what are you doing?!" She looks at him shyly. "You can't go around here kissing people. It's not right. You work for me and you will respect me and that's it!" He says angrily. Lola's eyes begin to fill with tears. 'Oh no. What have I done.' Tyler thinks to himself. He knew how badly he wanted to kiss her back. But it was against his policy. He gave her a hug instead and apologised. When Lola calmed down he took her hand once more and brought her downstairs for breakfast.


I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 3. I know I've posted the first three chapters in one day but I'm starting to get really into the story myself and even I want to know what's going to happen next! :")

Stay tuned for Chapter 4 when we find out what's really going to happen between Lola and Tyler. And has someone else in the house also developed a crush for Lola? Find out in chapter 4

Xoxo Nicole

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