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                              ~CHAPTER FOUR~

It's about 1 O'Clock in the afternoon on Lola's first day at her new home. Tyler had his main assistant Jackson show her around the mansion. It took a few times for her to learn her way around because it was so big and there were too many rooms! She saw every room. Except one. Jackson says it's completely out of bounds. He says it's a work room. They say the room is called Eleven. As Lola was having her tour and getting to know everyone, she heard a lot of talk about eleven. Although she couldn't work out what they were saying about it, she realised she had become highly interested and knew whatever chance she got to look inside, she would take. But it won't be easy. There are guards guarding the doors 24/7. "So are you liking the place?" asked Jackson politely. "Very much so. It's massive! There are so many rooms! I've never seen anything like it." Jackson giggled. "If you ever get lost there is always someone around to ask. There are always two guards outside eleven, Tyler, myself of course, Lincoln who you met this morning, and Parker who is Tyler's other main man. Everyone else who works for Tyler lives else where," explains Jackson. "Tyler just sent me a message. He wants to see you. He will be waiting in your room. You best be off then, if you remember your way," he said cheekily with a wink. "Thanks Jackson, for showing me around and making me feel so welcome. It means a lot." "Your welcome Lola," he says with a smile as he looks to the ground shyly. "I'll see you round then."

Lola walks away from Jackson towards her room. On her way to her room she has to walk past eleven. 'I want to know what's in there so badly' she thinks to herself. 'I'll just have to wait for the right time.'
As she walks up one of many staircases, not watching where she was going she walks straight into Lincoln. They both trip and roll to the bottom of the stairs. Lola falls on top of him, forcing them to look into each others eyes. There's silence for a few moments as they just lay there staring and Lincoln starts leaning in towards her face. Lola quickly gets up off him. "LINCOLN I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU HURT?! I WASN'T WATCHING WHERE I WAS GOING!" Yells Lola concerned. "I'm okay," he moans, "are you okay?"
"Yes Lincoln I'm fine! Sorry again about that I feel so embarrassed," she says shyly as her cheeks start to blush. "Are you sure your alright? Here take my hand I'll walk you to wherever your going." "I'm headed to my room," she explains, "but don't stress about it, I should be fine walking myself. But thank you anyway!" "Your welcome Lola, I'll see you around then," he says shyly. "Yes okay. Bye bye," she says with a slight smile. Lola quickly walks back up there stairs leaving Lincoln at the bottom. All she could think about is Lincoln when she fell on top of him. 'Was he really trying to kiss me?' she wondered. 'Why would he do that?'

Lola approaches eleven and the guards stop talking. They stare at her as she walks past. She can feel them staring into her sole. Lola quickly walks past them trying not to make eye contact. She feels really uncomfortable. 'Gosh they are intimidating,' she thinks to herself. 'Of all the rooms I could have had, Tyler had to give me one that makes me walk past eleven every day. As Lola approaches her room she sees Tyler. He's wearing an all black suit. 'Gosh he looks sexy. I still can't keep my mind of him. I can't get this morning out of my mind,' she thinks to herself.

"Aahh Lola, I've been waiting for you," says Tyler. "I thought you must have gotten lost!" he says with a giggle. "Lost? Oh no. I just had a bit of an accident on the staircase..." she replies awkwardly. "Is that so? Are you alright?" he asks. "I'm fine. I bumped into Lincoln a we both fell," she says embarrassed. "Oh dear," he chuckled, "What a great first day you must be having. "It's splendid," she says giggling a little. "Anyway so you wanted to talk to me?" she asks. "Oh yes I did. I just wanted to let you know that work starts on Monday. When you wake up I will have one of my men in to make sure you know what to do and to give you a more in depth tour of where things are." explains Tyler. "Yes sir," replies Lola. "And Lola, I also wanted to talk about this morning." All of a sudden Lola feels uncomfortable and Tyler noticed. He saw her face turning Rosy red as she looked to the ground. He continued anyway. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. Accidents happen. But we will make sure it doesn't happen again okay?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," replies Lola quickly. "Okay I'll leave you to it. Take the rest of the day off to do whatever you like. I'll be in my office having a meeting with my men. And please, call me Tyler," he says with a wink. 'He tells me I can't kiss him but he pulls sexy stunts like this,' she thinks to herself. "Okay Lola?" "Oh sorry, yes Tyler," she replies. Tyler walks out of her room and shuts the door behind himself. Lola decides to have a nap.

Meanwhile in Tyler's office. "Okay men. We need to set a few ground rules. From now on whenever Lola is around, you address me as Tyler, not Boss. She can't know about our work. If she asks any of you questions about what we all do here or how we are so rich just tell her the money and mansion were inherited from dead relatives. As for work, we do charity work. No telling her any of our secrets or plans and ESPECIALLY NO TELLING HER ABOUT ELEVEN OR WHAT'S INSIDE! Does everyone understand. "Yes boss," they choir. "Ah ah ah, you mean yes TYLER," he says with a giggle. The men all laugh as they leave the office.
Tyler is left alone, 'I can't stop thinking about Lola.'


And that's episode 4 of 'nineteen' I hope you like it!!!

Will Tyler eventually come around to Lola?
Does Lincoln have a crush on her?!

Stay tuned to 'Nineteen' to find out!!!

Xoxo Nicole

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