Chapter 57

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Honestly I couldn't decide how I was gonna do this, for a long long while.

But... I'm kinda just gonna wing it, and see where we get. Gonna be epic y'all.

Avi finished buttoning up Kevin's jacket, and then he grinned up at him. "Someone's looking cute." 

Kevin took a deep breath, glancing behind Avi at the large mirror. "I'm very nervous."

Scott grinned at him, leaning against the mirror. "There's no reason to be nervous."

Kevin just raised an eyebrow at him. "Easy for you to say. You look amazing in everything you wear." 

Scott grabbed both sides of his suit jacket and pulled them closer to his stomach. "O-Oh... Uh. I don't know about that." 

Avi waved a hand at him. "We can deal with that emotional mess of a human being some other time. Today's about you Kevin. Todrick is your best friend. Don't be afraid."

Scott walked over to Kevin, putting an arm over his shoulder to join him in looking at his reflection, Avi stepping aside when Scott began to speak. "Sorry, I didn't intend to make it about me. I was nervous too, Kev. But you just have to remember that you love him, and he loves you just as much. That's a special feeling." 

Kevin smiled a little, meeting his own eyes in the mirror. "You're right... I really do love him. More than anything." 

Scott patted him on the back a few times. "I'm gonna go check on the Omegas, I'll be back in a few minutes." 

Avi watched him go, and then grinned at Kevin again. "I'm so excited for you guys. And, as a small sidenote... I'm very glad that you guys decided to stay in my pack, rather than Travis'."

"I am too."


Alex was speaking with Todrick's parents, who were seated beside Kevin's in the front row. 

The Betas' had decided on a very small wedding, in a traditional chapel. The wedding only consisted of the two packs, and both families of the grooms. 

Mitch was speaking to the people managing the food, telling them where Kevin said he'd wanted the cake to be placed. Meanwhile Kirstie was rushing around making sure everyone was ready to get started, including the ring bearers, the priest, and Todrick's father. 

Landon and Grace were to be the flower girls (and yes I did speak to Landon; He is okay with being referred to as a flower girl).

Scott quickly skipped over to where Mitch was, holding his hands behind his back as he stared at his adorable Omega. 

Mitch had decided to wear a tuxedo with the rest of the groomsmen, not wanting to take any attention away from the two people actually getting married. 

He put his hands on his hips. "Todrick doesn't even like that flavor; He said cherry. How could you mistake grape for cherry?"

"I am so sorry, I'll get on that right away." 

Mitch just raised an eyebrow. "That's what I thought. Why are you trying to ruin their wedding?" 

"Sir, I had no intentions of--"

"Why are you still standing here? I said cherry!"

Scott quickly put his hand on Mitch's shoulder. "Mitchell, what are you doing? Don't shout at him." 

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