Chapter 110 (X)

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Okay I know I'm a little heavy on the smut recently but oops. So this is Scomiche smut, requested by yours truly.

Idk man when I was writing the last smut thing, I had this idea but I didn't wanna ruin the other person's request, so... If this is terrible I take FULL responsibility xD


Mitch groaned, rolling over to be on top of Scott, now that they'd gone to bed for the night. "Please? We're home alone tomorrow. For like.. Majority of the day. Please?"

"No, Mitch. I'm not gonna 'attack' you or whatever you wanna call it. I'm not into that."

"But please? You know I'll safeword if it's too much. I've done it before."

"No, Mitch. Please leave me alone." Scott turned onto his side again, facing the wall.

Mitch pouted, clinging to his back. "Just this one time. Once. And then I'll never ask again."

Scott didn't even answer him that time.

"Please? Pretty please?"

Scott exhaled loudly. "Listen to me for a second... Honey, all I ever want to do is make you happy. You know that. But I'd much rather just... Calmly make love to you. I love, love, love, making love to you. But do you ever think about how rarely we do that?"

"I'm sorry... Can we just do this, just this once? And then we'll make love every day after that?"

Scott turned back over to look at him. "Fine. But you have to promise me you'll safeword. Swear to me that the instant you're hurting, or even just slightly afraid of me, you'll safeword."

"I swear."

Scott laid back, looking at the ceiling. "I can't believe I'm gonna agree to this, but sure. If it makes you happy, then sure."

Mitch clung to Scott's arm, kissing his shoulder. "Just this one time, I promise. Just once."


Mitch had gone to see Alex in the morning, waiting for everyone else to leave his own house before he could go over and see Scott again.

That morning before he'd left, he'd purposely tried to make Scott mad, hoping it would help him get into his Alpha mindset. He'd spilled coffee on Scott's shirt, refused to do the laundry, didn't kiss him when Scott wanted to, and mostly ignored him until he left.

When he left Alex's, knowing the house was empty apart from his husband, Mitch hurried back home.

Scott was just sitting at the table, his phone in his hands. He glanced up when Mitch closed and locked the front door. "Oh hey."

Mitch walked over to him, not saying anything.

Scott passed his phone to him. "Look what Avi sent me this morning."

Mitch looked at it, giggling at the picture on the screen. "I don't know why he would--" And then he dropped it. Mitch gasped, stepping back quickly when the screen shattered, the back of the phone falling off of it as well. "Oh shit."

Scott looked down at it, and then slowly looked back up at Mitch. "Did you just do that on purpose?"

"No, no of course not!" Mitch bent to pick up the pieces, setting them on the table. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't act like you haven't been trying to piss me off all morning. I get what you're doing, but this is way too far."

"It was an accident, Scott! I'm serious!"

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