Chapter 130

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Okay let's see. We're gonna say that the 'kids' are about 20 years old. WHICH makes the parents around forty WOW

This is still not the Epilogue bc I'm putting it off bc it hurts too much xD

I kinda wanted to do a smut after this one, and THEN the epilogue, but again I still don't know xD


Scott walked into the restaurant, a bouquet of red roses in his hands as he scanned the room for his husband. 

Mitch rushed over to him, suddenly grabbing Scott's bicep to lead him away from the front of the restaurant. "We're over here, Scottie. You look super good!"

Scott actually stopped walking. "Woah, are you kidding me?"

Mitch's smile fell, as he stared up at Scott. "What?"

Scott quickly eyed him up and down. "You look fuckin' amazing." Mitch was wearing a very short, dark blue skirt with heeled boots that came up past his knees. As if he couldn't get any better, he wore a black, leather jacket that was half open, with nothing on underneath it. 

Mitch took a step back and looked down at himself. "Yeah, Kirstie helped me... I thought maybe the skirt was too much, but she helped me shave and stuff so..."

Scott leaned forward to kiss him, Mitch closer to his height now because of his shoes, before pushing the flowers into his hands. "These are for you, gorgeous."

Mitch giggled, eyeing Scott's dark blue suit (which he'd purposely matched his skirt to). "You're not so bad yourself." Scott immediately slipped one hand underneath the skirt, but Mitch smacked his hand. "Don't even try it."

Scott pouted, and he looked genuinely sad. "You're showing so much skin. How can I not--?"

"You're gonna have to figure it out. We're in a nice, public place." He looked down at his bouquet and grinned. "Thanks for these, though." And then he grabbed Scott's hand and started to walk them away. 

Scott couldn't help but stare at his sexy husband as they walked, and he thanked whomever was listening that Landon and Grace weren't present tonight. 

Now that Grace was in her twenties, she'd been talking about having a pack of her own, and Landon went with her to figure out what kind of paperwork she might need. 

When Scott sat down beside Mitch, Mitch instantly crossed his legs because of how short the skirt was. I'm talkin' like, shorter than mid-thigh. 

Scott's eyes stayed on Mitch's lap, reaching over to put a hand on Mitch's thigh as he spoke softly. "I can not believe how beautiful you are."

Avi was on the other side of him, and he snapped his fingers in Scott's face. "Hey. Focus on something outside of your sex appeal for a second."

Kirstie was holding his other hand on the table, and she smiled at Scott. "You look nice. And you brought flowers?"

Scott grinned again. "Of course I did. If my wife is gonna go around looking this good, someone's gotta claim him."

Alex was the next to sit down, Travis and Jake sitting along the outside of the table with him. 

Alex immediately gasped at Mitch. "Wow! Look at how pretty you are!"

Jake spoke softly, leaning toward Travis as he did so. "Kirstie looks beautiful as well."

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