Chapter 118

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I feel like I've put this off long enough. Y'all deserve to know who the father is xD

Also I'm drawing attention to this picture bc when I think of 'hungry Mitch' I think of THIS facial expression on Scott xD

Also I'm drawing attention to this picture bc when I think of 'hungry Mitch' I think of THIS facial expression on Scott xD

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So ANYWAY let's party -- Y'all ready for the drama???


"I'm scared to tell them." 

"Don't be. They love you a lot, Allie. They're not gonna be upset." 

"You don't understand, Minnie. I feel like... It's my fault."

"How could it possibly be your fault?"

"I...I don't know. I just feel bad."

"That doesn't make sense."

Alex pouted, sitting beside him in the waiting room. "I just want everyone to be happy."

"And they will be. You're gonna have a baby, Alex. You shouldn't be upset right now."

"But it's gonna result in someone's feelings getting hurt."

"So what? You can't control everything."

Alex looked down at his lap. "I know."

Travis suddenly came running out of the testing room. "Hey, I did it Lex. I passed."

Alex jumped out of his seat, doing his best to run even with the bump forming on his stomach. "Good! I'm proud of you!"

Travis looked around. "Gosh, where is everyone? Is Jake not out yet?"

"Not yet. And the others are out getting food. The kids were getting hungry."

"Oh okay... But you went and talked to the doctors? Mitch came with you, probably."

Alex reached out to hold one of his hands. "Mhmm... We need to talk."

"We, as in we? Or we as in the whole family?" Travis suddenly grinned, as he looked down at the ground. "Oh my God... We're a family now."

Alex smiled too, moving forward to hug him. "I know."

Jake finally came rushing down the hall, a paper in his hands which he immediately passed to Travis. "I passed. I assume you did as well?"

"I did." Travis glanced at him. "Thanks for assuming that."

"I figured."

Alex didn't want to have this conversation, but more than that he didn't want to put it off. So he rushed them. "Guys, can we please talk about this?"

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