Chapter 80

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Idk man this is cute


Mitch woke up one morning to see Scott scurrying into the bathroom.

Mitch groaned at him, unsure how to make words.

Scott glanced over his shoulder, but kept walking, his hands covering his chest as well as he could.

Mitch sat up a little. "Hey. Come back here."

Scott stopped walking, but didn't turn. "What?"

"Honey, why are you hiding from me?"

"I'm not."

Mitch sat up completely, sliding over to sit on the edge of the bed. "Prove it. Come here."

Scott shook his head slowly. "Mitchie... I, um..."

"Scott come on. Let me see."

Scott frowned, but turned around to face Mitch, allowing Mitch to see the drawings on Scott's torso.

Mitch grinned for a moment, and then tried to hide it. "So, uh... How'd that happen?"

Scott frowned even more, a blush on his face now. "Landon..."

Maybe this would be better told through the lazy author, but I'm just gonna let the characters do it so I can go out for lunch.

Mitch just giggled at him. "Come here, let me see. Did he trace all your muscles? That's what I would've done."

Scott just shrugged. "If you can find any..."

"Please. You have muscle everywhere." Mitch winked at him. "Come here and I'll show you."

"I need to get this marker off of me first."

"No, don't. It's so cute."


"Nope. Come here."

Scott slowly stalked forward, his hands still over his stomach.

Mitch grabbed both of his hands to pull them away from his stomach. "Aw... How cute."

Landon ran into the room, a green marker in his hand. "Dadda, I found the green one!"

Scott half smiled at him. "Oh good. Want to finish your masterpiece, then?"

Landon nodded quickly. "Please?" When he rushed over to do it, he uncapped the marker and went to do it, but pouted. "Dadda, fix it."

Mitch raised an eyebrow. "Fix what, baby?"

"His belly wasn't as hard to draw on last time."

Mitch looked up at Scott. "Hey, flex or something."

Scott quickly flexed, but then stopped and shook his head. "That's weird."

Mitch looked to Landon. "Do you have some more markers?"

Landon gasped and grinned widely. "You wanna color with me?!"

Scott held up his hands. "Uh, wait, I don't--"

"Yes I do. Go grab all your markers, baby."


Which explains why Scott was now laying on the floor, Mitch straddling his waist and tracing over his v-line.

Landon was knelt on the ground, drawing a flower on Scott's chest.

Mitch tried to trace Scott's happy trail as well, but when Scott realized he was seconds away from flashing his child, he grabbed Mitch's arms to stop him.

Mitch's response was to wink at Scott and whisper. "Later."

Scott's eyes widened and he shook his head once, whispering back. "No."

Landon suddenly drew near Scott's pec without realizing it, and Scott flinched a little.

Mitch gestured to Scott's nipple. "You really wanna circulate those."

Landon did as told, and then saw the tattoo of his name. "Ooh!" And he 'circulated' that too.

Mitch was glad the boy was distracted, because he then decided to trace the happy trail again. "God, I love when you wear low pants. Makes you so accessible."

"Yeah? Well I love when I wear low pants and then you sit on my d--"

"Dadda look! I drawed a flower!"

Really guys-- 'drawed'?
This is what happens when I go out to lunch wowowowow

Scott immediately looked for the flower and grinned. "Oh it's so pretty! You're so talented, Andy."

Landon giggled. "Thank you! I can draw more?"

"Sure you can, baby."

Scott subconsciously realized Mitch was being too quiet, which is why he looked over to see what kind of mischief he was getting into.

But Mitch wasn't doing anything. At all.

He was just sitting, marker uncapped, watching Landon and Scott interact with a fond look on his face.

Scott eyed him with concern. "Everything okay over there, my angel?"

Mitch nodded slowly, eyes dazed. "Yeah."

Scott sat up a little to reach one of Mitch's hands. "Honey?"

Mitch slid off of Scott's hips to lay beside him, resting his head on Scott's shoulder to hide his face in Scott's neck, Landon continuing to draw.

Scott quickly wrapped an arm around him. "Baby boy, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm having a moment that's all."

Landon interrupted again, with a giggle. "Look, look! I drawed Mama!"

Scott was quick to respond. "Aw, she's beautiful. Give her a crown, would you?"

Landon instantly looked around for the yellow marker. "Okay, Dadda, I will."

Mitch giggled as soon as he saw the yellow pen. "Someday we'll tell him about Alex's yellow crayon, huh?"

"If you want to."

Mitch watched Landon draw the crown atop his head, and stopped talking for a little while.

Scott looked back down to him when he felt tears falling on his arm. "Sweetheart... What's wrong?"

Mitch wiped at his eyes hurriedly, shaking his head. "Sorry... God, when did I turn into you? Getting all emotional over heartwarming things."

"Honey, there's nothing wrong with that."

Landon suddenly laid down on Scott's other side, trying to copy Mitch's position. "Mama, why are you sad?"

Mitch just smiled a little. "No reason, baby. Happy tears."

Scott eyed him cautiously. "Promise?"

Mitch nodded again. "I promise, Scottie. I just... With the other pack..? I could only dream of moments like this. And... I just love you both so much..."

"We love you too. Don't we, baby?"

Landon nodded quickly, and held up his pinkie toward Mitch. "Love you forever, Mama."

Mitch grinned at him, and locked pinkies with him. "Forever, baby."

Scott smiled fondly at the both of them, before leaning over to kiss Mitch's forehead, and then Landon's.

Landon giggled at him. "I can keep drawing now?"

"Of course, baby."

Mitch pointed at the drawing of himself with the crown, at the center of Scott's stomach. "Why don't you give the princess her very own prince?"

Landon grinned widely at him, getting a little too excited. "Okay, Mama!"


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