Chapter 63

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Poor Lil Kevo

This one will take place before the babies as well :)

P.s. this is unedited so just pretend it's flawless xD


Todrick and Kevin had been cooking something together, when Todrick suddenly froze and let out a loud exhale. "Shoot." 

Kevin merely glanced back, from where he'd been cutting up vegetables. "What's wrong?" 

"I forgot to get gluten free pasta for Mitch." 

"Oh... I can run out and get some. It's okay. I'll get Alex in here to help you." He left the room before Todrick could answer.

Kevin then hurried into the living room, where Alex and Kirstie were playing a board game. "Hey guys, could I ask for a favor?"

Kirstie turned first, grinning up at him. "Sure! Need help with something?"

"Actually yes. I'm gonna run to the store really quick, would you guys help Todrick with dinner? I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

Alex got up quickly. "Of course, Sir."

Kevin then jogged up the stairs and knocked on Scott's door, pausing for a response. 

Scott opened the door quickly. "Yes? Oh, hi."

"Hello. I wanted to ask if you'd like to come with me to the store? I just need to grab something to help Todrick make dinner, and I know Avi wouldn't want me going without an Alpha."

"Oh, sure! Let me just get some shoes on." He turned for a second. "Mitchie, I'm running to the store. Do you want anything?" 

Mitch had been changing his shirt, and he walked over a little, but stopped to hide just out of Kevin's view. "Uh... Nothing. I'm okay."

Avi suddenly peeked in the door. "Excuse me, Kevin. Scott, will you go downstairs and ask Todrick if he needs help with dinner?" 

Mitch scoffed, though neither man in the doorway could see him. "Haven't you learned your lesson yet? Scott belongs outside of the kitchen."

Scott pouted. "Hey, I try my best." 

"Sure you do, honey. Sure you do." 

Avi held up a hand. "Todrick could teach you a thing or two." 

Kevin leaned on one side of the door frame. "Actually I have the Omegas helping him. And I'm gonna help too after I come back. That's why I'm here, Alpha. I was asking Scott to come with me to the store." 

"Oh, I can go with you. I'll drive."

Scott frowned. "I wanted to go." 

"Hell, we can all go. Grab Mitchell." 

Mitch hurried to put his shirt on. "Sure, I'll go." 

Avi started moving toward the stairs. "I'll tell Jake and Travis to come over a little early for dinner." 

Scott turned around and rushed back into his room. "I still need shoes."

Mitch headed toward their closet. "You should wear those white shoes you just got." 

"Okay. Where did I put them?" 

"Right here." Mitch hummed, bending to grab them off the floor. 

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