4. Stalker

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Once I got up to my room I decided to google search Harry and his band. I looked up One Domention but nothing came up so, I went and asked Jessica. "Hey Jess?" "Yeah" "Whats that band you are so crazy about called?" "5sos?" thats definitely not it.I wish I could remember Harrys last name so I could just look him up. "No that one with a guy named Harry in it." I say and her face lights up "One Direction?!?! " she basicly yells "yeah, Thanks Jess!" I run up the steps and only trip twice. I look 'One Direction' up on google images and there a five extremely fit boys on the screen. All of the boys are good looking but none are as handsom as Harry. I spent about 3 hours stalking this boyband. I was in the middle of reading about Zayn when my phone rings.unknown number. "Hello?" I say unknowingly (is that a word?) "Hey babe" says a raspy Cheshire accent "who is this?" I say although I already know who it is. "This is Harry from the diner....is this a wrong number?" "ehm no this is the right number.Its Summer" "Ok Summer I was w-wandering if you maybe if.....ehm you possibly wanted to do something tommrow, you dont have-" "I would love to Harry" I say smiling like an idiot "really?" is he really nervous about asking me out? "Yeah it sounds like fun!" "ok so I will meet you at the diner at about 11.Sound good?" "Sure Harry and one more thing...?" "sure?" "whats your last name again?" I say laughing at my stalker question "Styles,why?" "well ehm...." I dont know if I should tell him I was stalking him and his band that would start this relationship off on a bad start.Wait....did I juat say relationship? "Oh I see you were going to look me up on the internet wernt you love?" How the hell did he know that?!?! "N-no of course not that would be creepy!" I lie "sure" he says sarcasticly. "Ok fine but in my defence I was just curious!" "haha ok, besides me who do you like the most?" "he asked non-acusingly "well probably Niall or Louis" I say truthfully "ok.Hey Summer I have a question." "ehm ok what is it?" "Do you want the other boys to hang out with us tommrow?" "sure, now that you aked me a question I get to ask you a question." I say nervously "sure love" he says and butterflies burst in my stomach. "willyoueversingforme?" I say in one breath. I know its a stupid question because I could just look him up on YouTube but I want to hear him in person... so I know I am with the real Harry




"Willyoueversingforme?" Summers angelic voice asks all in on breath but I could still understand her.Why would she want me to sing for her?She could just look me up on youtube. "You could look me up on YouTube" I say smirking "Well yeah I suppose but....never mind its stupid." "no come on babe tell me pweeeese" I say in a pouty-begging voice.She sighs and says "Because I want to feel special" she says and my whole body warms up while those little catipillers burst into butterflies "I will sing for you tommrow." I say my voice hoarse "Ok" she giggles. I clear my throat and she laughs.I swear her laugh is the best sound in the world.I want to hear it every day.I want her to be mine no need her to be."Well I have to get back to stalking you and your band I'll text ya ok?" She says "Ok see ya babe.Bye" I say and fall into a Summer filled sleep.








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