7. Dead or alive

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JESSICA POV (wernt expecting that were ya =) )


She is dead.she is dead. I kept telling myself.By now I knew this Harry guy is here I am just in too much pain to look at him."I want to go with her!" he demands the lady says somthing I didn't understand. After a few seconds I feel a pair of srong arms wrap around my shaking body. Then I see a tatoo. Not any tatoo,a rose tatoo. It all makes sence now. His name,his tatoos,his slow raspy voice. This is Harry Styles. THIS IS HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION! I look up to see a curly haired man looking down at me with tears in his eyes. He obviously disnt see my One Direction shirt yet...but I am to scared to care. I didn't realise I was staring untill i see a tear roll down his cheek onto his black skinny jeans "Harry please dont cry." I plead "Sorry but I love her." he says and I think he didn't even mean to say it out loud. "you love her?" I ask my tone harsh.I love Harry Styles alot but I just don't want Summer to get hurt again.I think of the bruises on her body because of James and I fell like im going to get sick. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I know its because he sickens me and I cried to much. I feel someone pull my hair back. I look up and Harry is looking at me with a confused but soothing look on his face. I don't think Sunmer would want me to tell him about James because she will tell him eventually. Finally Harry says somthing. "Your a directioner I see" he says looking at my 'take me home' shirt with a smile. I giggle and say "yeah everybody loves you guys!" I say happily. Forgetting my best friend is about to leave in an ambulance "oh yeah?" he smirkes "who is your favorite member?" he asks. I dont have time to anwser because that annoying nurse tells Harry he has to go "You can follow the ambulance if you want" the nurse says with a dirty look "fine" I say sharply and think of Summer in a coffin they start to cry again.




Jessica seems cool but the only thing I can think of is Summer. I know she will be okay. She seems strong. Its crazy I dont even know her last name and I already love her. I know Jessica is hiding somthing about Summer. Somthing huge. The way she says "you love her" with such discust and fear in her voice is scary. When I am in the ambulance the paramedical staff are asking me questions I dont know the anwser to like "Whats her blood type?" How the hell am I expected to know that shit? So I just sat holding Summers hand and cried "You will be okay Summer. I love you and you dont even know it yet. You are perfect. Be strong Summy. I kept repeating untill we got to the hospital. We dashed through the doors of the hospital. "Im sorry sir, we can not allow you to go back there." "Summer!" I yelled after her although she cant hear me....

"You have to let me be with her. cant you see I loce her? " salty moisture runs down my face "Im sorry. You have to sit in the waiting room." she says I go back to the waiting room where a Niall and Jessica are crying. "I cant breath." I say choking Jessica looks up at me confused while Niall looked at me knowingly and rushed over to me. I was having a panick attack.




Harry starts to have a panick attack. He has had them before. He has nightmares every night so somtimes they,are so bad that he has panick attacks.This is the worst one je has had though. He really loves her. They just met but I know he does. Harry lays gasping and choking in my arms. Jessica looks at him in what seems like.....amasment? "He really loves her.." she says mostly to herself. Usally Harry calms down by now. He hates to cry so I have not seen him cry in a long time. After about three minutes Harry finally calms down but still cries. I called the rest of the boys and told them Harry had a major panick attack and told them to come to the hospital for Summer. About ten minutes after the boys arrived a doctor came out. Harry's head shoots up and so does Jessica's I could see pain written on their faces and sadness on the doctors. "Summer...has lost alot of blood and suffers from anorexia and depression. We are trying everything we can but it isnt looking good." He sighs "Can we see her?" Harrys hoarse,cracking voice asks "Yes but she is in a coma." Harry winced at his words.Poor Harry.Poor Jessica. Poor Summer.




Wey heyyyyy i chaned the name of the book to fit the plot better.and the bio. SO MUCH DRAMA IN DA CHAPTER! Harry has nightmares....so does Summer






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