Leo: Camp Half Blood

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Note: this is when Jason and the trio reach the camp. And I am skipping some parts :).

Leo's P.O.V

By just facing this whole trauma, my thoughts were diverted to Jason and Piper, my best friends. What were they thinking? Piper had an astonished expression, as if she was lost, but Jason's was unreadable. A few minutes or maybe an hour ago, we were surprised to see Jason in an amnesia if his memory was taken away by someone, and yeah. Our super psychotic coach Hedge turned out to be a half goat, a crazy half goat, a satyr. And he was whirled by some tornado, venti. Jason said so. He seemed kind of suspicious.

Everything seemed so distant, somehow. As if someone had dropped icy cold water on me. I looked at my surroundings, it was a camp for demigods wait, the half god and half mortal kids who were supposed to show up here and be trained for war zones or whatever. But still this whole place looked awesome, more awesome than the old tricks I used on my annoying foster siblings. I can't count on the word huge but man this was cool.

There were many things to look at. There was a warm and protected aura around by the looks of it. Standing close to me was Piper who held Jason's hand tight. My eyes landed on the girl named Annabeth who was searching for Percy Jackson, a close friend of her, next to her was Butch, I didn't really trust him though he seemed like a friend of Annabeth. All the campers wore orange shirts bearing the title Camp Half Blood. This might be the camp name.

All of the campers are gathered around but some are still seated on the benches. For instance the group of girls who sat huddled in a corner, scoffing at us. They must be the mean girls. But boy, without these mean girls, a story seems incomplete. Much more macho, I thought staring at the people.

On one bench, was a girl with a pale face, blue eyes and dark hair which fell on her Shoulders. She looked deeply immersed in a thought, she didn't care to look around for the source of noise or glare or stare at us. Instead, I was quite interested to find out more about her.

And i looked in the pool, a pool, seriously. There were a bunch of strange looking girls, their hair floated in the water. Diverting my attention towards the wrecked chariot, I looked at Annabeth and the guy bickering. Something told me that the guy wasn't happy on his chariot getting broken, He had a bow and quiver on his back. After talking to her, he turned towards us.

"These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed already?"

I raised my eyebrows, the term was too much. I could not be claimed as a fifteen year old. And yeah,if i was, i would run away most probably but these people said they were protecting us from monsters. And coach Hedge aka The Satyr Gleeson was a protector for them.

"Claimed?" I asked, not stopping myself.

Annabeth started to explain but that guy stepped forward and asked her, "Any sign of Percy?"

The question greatly tensed her. She sighed and muttered. "No, Will."

Oh, so Will was his name. But the girl who was so lost in thoughts heard them somehow and stepped forward, drawing her breath, she looked fourteen maybe about my age. She looked paler. She offered a sympathetic look towards Annabeth.

"It's okay, Annabeth. Don't worry. We'll find him." I was surprised to hear her voice, smooth and soft. Well come on. Annabeth softened, and hugged her. No way. I thought that she was the person who was a warrior. But this Annabeth was too broken. They hugged as if they were best friends. They may be, I thought.

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