Leo: The Tour

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Note: enjoy the chapter. :D


"Wow. This is one big place." I gaped at the camp, this was awesome. Not to be philosophical or anything, but there were a lot of ideas. I could do anything here! It's vast. Right now, I could feel my sugar level rising, my excitement is barely controllable.

Man, this was too cool. But, given the fact that a quiet demigod girl was showing you around the camp, too quiet. Not my style. I would've gone gladly with that Will solace or whatever his name was. But she was a girl. And I could impress her with a couple of reflexes.

But the problem was, she only focused on what was ahead of her.

There were different Cabins, each representing a God or Goddess. Many magical artifacts and stuff. I'd never seen something which was so magical and yet it was real. Maybe this was just a wonderful dream, and The normal Coach Hedge would poke me in the stomach, Get up Valdez, stop snoozing, clean the school bus.

My heart dropped, Hedge Was still not here. It made me feel guilty though.

"There's still a lot to see. Just you wait. The Hephaestus cabin is going to impress you." The girl, Si smiled at me. Something was different about her smile, the way she tightened her lips and turned her head away. I wonder..

"Hey, Si. Listen-"




"Stop what?"

"That's not my name."

"Then what?" I demand, looking straight into her eyes, a deep shade of blue. I could drown in those but my leo-braincells said otherwise. I could count the tensed creases formed on her forehead. She cringed and backed away, flushing red. She pushed her hands into her pockets and looked around.

"Let's continue. I h-have to show you around," Si stammered, her face was stony, different from the previous one. I rolled my eyes. Come on dude. But her mood changed as she noticed the river ahead, you could call it a river. There was a branch, log on which you could sit. Her eyes twinkled and she laughed.

"Look! It's so beautiful, right?" She asked, pointing out. I stared blankly at the river. What was so beautiful about a river?

"Oh come on." Si grabbed my hand, electricity went through my joints, suddenly I was following her around. She adjusted herself on one log. I took the cue that I had to sit. I sat down next To her.

"Well? Where is the Hephaestus Cabin? If it's underwater then I swear I'm going to ask Hephaestus to disown me." I glared at the water. Seriously!

"Oh Please Valdez. Are you crazy or something is wrong with your ego? I know everything about you. No need to clarify your fear of drowning." She snorted, splashing water at herself.

"What? I have no phobia of water. You don't know Leo." I retorted, breaking a nearby twig in half.

"Oh yeah? leave it." She muttered.

"How can I trust a person I've just met?" I demanded, playing with my sleeve.

"Well. You have to." She retorted, still not locking eyes with me.

"I don't even know your name." I snorted.

"Sienna." She simply said.

"Nice name. I'm Leo Valdez." I grinned my signature grin.-(Lol).

"Hi Leo Valdez." Sienna muttered.

"Can I ask you something, Sienna?"

"Go ahead."

"Why are you so boring?"

"I'm not boring."

"Well you are, Si."

"Ugh. I'll just take you to your cabin."

"I know I'm irresistible. You can't stand me."

"Too much ego, Valdez."

"Ego is Good."

"Arrogance suits you."

"I know it does."

"Shut up Valdez."

She glared at me. Our bickering was not ending. It was truly lovely to have someone shutting me up. That was impossible though. She talked at least. 

But someone interrupted us. We turned around and saw the glamour girl Glaring at Sienna, she turned to me and smiled.
"Will you two stop?" Drew, the glamour girl demanded.

"Oh hey Drew." Sienna retorted, a scowl making its way on her beautiful face. 

Wait, did I just say beautiful?

"Oh Valdez." Drew drawled, looking at her nails, "hon, what are you doing with this bore? Come on. I'll show you around."

Something about her voice made me want to obey her, follow her rules. I hesitated but said;


Sienna glared at Drew, who just sneered. There was certainly some kind of bad blood between them.

"Come then." Drew laughed, grabbing my hand forcefully. I cringed when her long nails dug deep in my skin.

I turned with Drew, leaving a shocked Sienna behind.


This was short but I wanted to update soon. I have no time to spare :((

Comment how was this! Thank you :))))

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