Sienna: Moments

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Sienna's P.O.V.

I ran away from the river after that incident, it embarrassed me greatly. But I'm worried about poor Leo who is now stuck with Miss Glamour Girl who used charmspeak to lure Leo into her perfectly made trap. I must report this to Annabeth at once, she'd not be happy. I must say, Annabeth is the one who is obeyed by rest of the camp.

How much could I tolerate. She stole everything away from me, even my best friend at the camp. My heart sank, I couldn't take much of this, this was too much for me. I didn't dislike Drew I loathed her. Everything about her.

My grip on the bench loosened and I put my head down on the smooth surface of the table, wood could also feel smooth sometimes. Teardrops fell on the surface, Drew was a rude girl and I couldn't let her make me cry. 

Wiping the tears, I pulled on a hard face, pushing my hands into my pockets, I was supposed to go back to my Cabin. Cabin Four, the Hecate Cabin.

But what is my fault, the thoughts surround me again. I don't want that. I just want to empty my mind out. I lean against the wall, and close my eyes. A familiar haunting face appears, I cringe and try to remove his image from my vision. Why? Every single time when I relax, his face haunts me to death.

Those intense eyes, rosy lips. Curved face. Scarred.

Please, I think, Don't.

But how can I not think about them?

Because he did something very wrong.


The image makes my eyes water again. I don't know why I still have this problem with myself. Is this my mind playing tricks with me? Or my heart? I just can't understand.

Trying to block his memories, I focus on how happy I feel when I read ancient myths and poems. They fascinate me, yes they do, But he hated Myths..

Shut up, brain.

This has to stop.

"Don't fight a battle with your heart, because it will always win, darling." A smooth accented voice retorts, I turn around and all the memories come swirling back to me.

Is this real?

Am I dreaming or what?

Please say that this is a bad dream...


I could give anything for death.

But he can't be resurrected.

This is against the laws of Hades.

"L-Luke Castellan?"

I blink a few times. Was this real? The sandy haired guy with those intense blue eyes locks eyes with me. His scar remains the same, his lips molded into a tight line. He has an irritating, cold smile playing on his Lips. Just like the last time I saw him. His seventeen year old face, as fresh as ever.

He's not alive, it's just a memory.

Relax, Si. I try to console myself with these words.

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